Thanks to the arrogant duck hunters that bought the 90 behind me and keep it flooded year round, I have lost a few trees to saturated soil and they have uprooted. This one was had a major lean ( photo doesn’t do it justice ) and had two larger branches that went above an even bigger pecan branch. Started late so don’t have photos of the after , it was dark , but she is on the ground now. i attempted to use what I have always called a scissor hinge in hopes of rolling it enough to graze the pecan and not damage it. I failed miserably but no one besides the pecan got hurt and the tree is on the dirt. Was intentionally a slow fell. As it slowly started to go I could actually feel and see the roots moving the ground trying to pull up. Scary moments, and a first for me. I took a breath and completed my back cut before it could uproot. I will get photos of it tomorrow and humbly show my stump cut too. Not proud of this one but entitled to a “Doh” fell every once and while!!
Leaners can be scary for sure. Glad its on the ground and you are in one piece. Be sure to post your embarrassing stump in the the ugly stump thread. Ugly stump and face cuts. Too bad about the duck hunters and losing some trees, but when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
I have one very very similar, I haven't built up enough courage just yet to bring it down. Waiting to ask a friend to assist me. I've done the research on how to maximize safety but just still a bit leery on it so I am going to keep passing till I feel comfortable.
Glad it’s down safely. There’s a lot of good info on this site and YouTube about plunge cut felling or trigger cut for heavy learners. It’s fun, much safer and I actually sort of look forward to them now
Here she is in all her …… glory ? I have definitely done worse but not super proud of it. Have a good size pecan branch hanging too. That’s priority one today. Didn’t get to work on it at all yesterday due to having company over.
Was the center rot in the trunk a “surprise” for you or was it expected? For me those are always kind of sketchy especially when not expecting it Nice job!
I expected some , stays so wet almost had to be weakened a little. It wasn’t bad , a lot of what you see is actually metal that was on the tree. On a fence line so that was expected as well.