Neighbor was running cedar on his portable sawmill and I couldn’t say no when he offered up some kindling material. This should keep the kindling box full for a while. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice scrounge! Only having chainsaws, I'd try to even up one end, then strap the bundle tight, in multiple places. Make passes through the bundle with a chainsaw.
yep, agree! I strap a bundle and put on the tractor forks, works good! I still have to pick it all up though
Love getting cedar. I will always save a few bigger pieces and noodle them and spread out the noodles around the perimeter of the house for bug repellent. Nice score !
Put a wheelbarrow so the kindling fall into it as you cut. Or make a small box and put runners on it so you can move it with the tractor. Certainly would save a lot of work and bending.
I tried the wheel barrow thing and it was OK, but have to keep moving it anyway and still had some pickup involved
Yup, I do the same thing with my mill scraps. My "kindling silo" is actually the packing crate my mill came in. I filled it about a month ago for the 23-24 heating season. Two stacks deep of 12-14" long, about 90 inches high when full. I used the miter saw and in a cigar's burn time, my crate was full. Only interrupted by a beverage break. I'm sure a chainsaw would've been quicker, but I really wanted that cigar.The scraps dry great and I try to mix in basswood. Basswood dries down so fast it'll be like balsa wood by fall and can be lit directly without paper.
Just piggybacking on this kindling thread. If ok. Kindling here is falling from the sky. No, really, it is! The EWP's here are loaded with them. There's several branches like that higher up the tree. I'll let them dry out in some sun/breeze before bagging and stashing them on the deck.
Good stuff. No paper needed. Fond memories of when i used to go camping under big EWP's and id go around and collect them. Hoarding wood was my favorite camping activity and still is! Of course you wouldve never guessed that. The wood drop i did the other night had an EWP in the yard and i picked one up showing the customer that he has ready to use kindling there.