I feel like most gun thefts are when no one is at home. To me, that means requirement for securement is only an impedance to the owner who may need one in a hurry, and when you need one it is always in a hurry.
Yep. The guy explains the difference in the YouTube video I posted. In the U.S. residential security containers are marketed as gun safes. Gun Safes and Residential Security Containers: Know What You're Really Buying - The Truth About Guns Gun Safe Ratings Explained
morningwood How far are you from Ashland, Boardman or Berea, OH? Fin Feather and Fur carries Liberty and they used to carry Heritage brand. Mine is a re-badged (Fin label), Heritage and is pretty solid for a retail purchased safe/security container.
I'm about 45 minutes from the Ashland store. My folks live in Akron so I drive by there pretty often from where I live at. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to stop in the store sometime and see what they have.
That's my thoughts as well. I do plan on adding one more layer of protection though. The whole house pepper spray alarm. It fogs the house with a non staining pepper gas and cops usually find the perps in the house drooling, snotting and eyes almost swelled shut. They have units that trigger with your wired alarm or a stand alone that can be used with wireless alarms like Simplisafe safe.
I thought you were joking when I first started reading it.... But now I'm thinking maybe you're serious? So if the alarm goes off falsely for some reason? And how do you clean that up/decon?
My air compressor or myself sets off my house alarm at least once to twice a month. I'd be a little hesitant on using this solution. A few months ago I was out of town and a thunderstorm set off one of my glass break sensors. I've had my alarm system for a long time now. I've never had an intruder ( knock on wood ) set it off.
It would be a stand alone system in our house because we use a Simplisafe alarm system and they cant trigger the pepper alarm like a wired system. Such as ADT. It wouldn't be armed unless we were gone, obviously, unlike the Simplisafe system that can be armed in home mode which deactivates any indoor motion sensors. As far as clean up it dissipates on its own in 4 hours, leaves no smell or stains. We don't have any pets so no worries there.
You can also use single room units. Ive considered that. They enter the room with the gun safe it triggers the pepper spray in that room.
Spray Defense | Non Lethal Self Defense | Home Security - Burglar Bomb Security Systems This one has the single room type units. They told me you can also use the wired version and a 12 volt transformer plugged into a smart outlet that you can trigger from your phone through WiFi.
Note to self, if I am invited to Steve's.....Stay outside and wait for him to bring out the lemon squares
many yeas ago on a very cold Feb. night the dog alarms went off at 2am, which elicited a rib kick to me, being a bit groggy I let the dogs out. Then the front door bell rang, so answer that, neighbor from couple doors down said garage was open and snowblower in alley. That answered the dog alarm question. Called the leos to report . They showed up about the time the female brit was barking at back door, she had blood on her. Few minutes later the male Brit showed up complete with a bloody pant leg as trophy. Fun night.