I got busy cutting up a bunch of logs I got from a saw mill they all tested Positive for steel with plus some had big branches etc .So now the fun starts but on the plus side I am in the shade & have a tractor mounted splitter
[QUOTE="Skier76, I dry everything once split under the roof in racks as seen in the last picture.I can double stack them with tractor.
[QUOTE="The Wood Wolverine, Thanks just wish them big ones were already split and stacked they do look Heavy .I think will put splitter on the ground roll a few up split in half then lift splitter back to nice height so not so much bending..
[QUOTE="blacktail, Thanks it is nice for sure to have everything under cover with concrete floor. Those rounds are for 2028/2029 burn season if things go as planned
[QUOTE="Backwoods Fellin', but who needs a bucket when the boss is not around is that not what the side of the shed is for?Smile