Yep, im going to call GFP here in South Dakota and see if this thing should be shot or not. I know beavers are around, but with all the flooding and standing water everywhere. This this doesn't need to be here. As Phil Robertson would say," they are a destructive critter....."
This guy got run over on my normal route to work and back. Saw it in the morning, knew I needed to take pictures coming home. I'm not lying, now, this thing had to be 30-40lbs.
I recently watched a pretty interesting documentary on beavers and how North America looked before the they were pretty much decimated for the European fur market. I had no idea how prolific they were.
Up here we have Ditch Donkeys and also Ditch Cows The ditch cows generally out weigh the donkeys by 5 to 10 times. Bullwinkle destroys vehicles and usually hurts or kills the vehicle occupants
Remember coming home from fishing in the NMW and a guy in a ford escort took out bullwinkles girlfriend. She had a bad leg. He was laying across the seats. Took EMS 2 hours to get there to cut the car apart and remove him. He was good, no major injuries, swore he would never drive in moose country in the dark again.