I'm not sure slugs will perform like you expect them too. I have a nitro piston .22 (1 pump) and the FPS is specced about the same as the seneca and it's a pellet shooter, no slugs. I only shoot 13 grains out of it, but there are ultra heavy 19 grains that you might like in it. I'm interested in hearing what fps you get with slugs though.
I'll be testing after I'm healed up from shoulder surgery. So, maybe fall. I have a month to get some stuff buttoned up around here before I'm a one arm bandit.
make your self some flags or simple markers/ painted stake. a couple at each distance spread apart left to right in an arc from your shooting spot and out at 5-10 yard intervals. that will supply a visual ref. a little piece of something light stuck to stakes to get an idea of wind velocity and direction.
We used to use wind flags shooting eggs at 100 yards with 22 long rifle. Quite a challenge. Medium eggs.
The club we used to shoot at went through 30,000 eggs +/- a year. They bought them directly from a huge egg producer by the skid. We shot 100 yard 22 lr and 200 and 300 yard center fire. Center fire eggs were smalls.
Learn something new every day! Didn't know that it was even a thing. And here I thought shooting ketchup and mustard packs was a hoot!
I never thought I'd ever want anything black powder but I have one in my list. This. Traditions™ .32 Caliber Crockett Rifle Kit I thought it might be fun to "build" and play with. Anything different than my normal in a projectile launcher is interesting to me anymore. I'll take it squirrel hunting once I'm up to speed on the whole experience of safely loading, firing ect. Some research on it has given me confidence it can be decently accurate.
Many of the guys, myself included, use a rifle chambered in 204 ruger for this. Some off the shelf varmint rifles, some more custom. It and the 22-250 are the only ones that make the egg sound like a small caliber hand gun going off down range when a direct hit has happened. You can only hear it at 300 yards because at 200 the sounds are to close together. At three hundred you hear the bang of the rifle and a split second later a pop as the egg vanishes. my 204 is pushing 4000 at the muzzle with 39 grain sierra blitzking pills. Some guys switched to 204 just to get in on that secondary pop. Lol. Any hyper fast cartridge would do this but 204 and 22-250 were the only two I saw used that fit that description. The rest of the guys used 22ppc, 6mm ppc, 6 br, and a couple had 223.
Can any of you experienced PCP guys tell me if this is worth bidding on aby further? If yes how much is it worth fir turning into a gun fill tank? I'm the high bidder at $10 but figured I ask before I make a mistake and buy a paper wt. Auction ends tomorrow night. JNJ ONLINE AUCTION, LLC - West Michigan’s Premiere Online Auction Center
Probably only a 3000lb bottle, a bit low for pcp. No numbers are shown but I believe that the high pressure ones are all wrapped.
Main thing is weather it is still able to be certified for pressure ( likely 3000psi unit ) 10 years is max life for recertification from date of manufacture. it is an arbitrary number assigned by the gov./ insurance co. Used to be about $50 to have a tank recertified. Did you get the compressor up and running yet?
No, it's still in the shop. It's in the way and constantly pizzing off my son. I think I'm going to make a cart so it'll have some wheels. It's a lot heavier than you'd first think.
Any opinions on..... The Hatsan blitz? The Western rattler 357? Looking at getting my first gun and want something fun as a stress reliever. Definitely want semi auto. For now anyway I'm not looking at shooting the nuts off a bug at 100 yards. I get enough "precision" stress at work.
Apparently the carbon fiber/ aluminum 45k psi tank has a 15 year life from the date on the tank. Be careful of NOS offerings as I've seen expired tanks being sold as nos on eBay.
a lot of units have magazines so consider them as bolt actions, There are a couple that are semi auto, but pay attention to the reviews as some have had jamming problems, this in rifles . bunch of blow back types in pistols although most are c02 operated. Then for a real blast there are a couple that are full auto rifles. but then i never have been a spray and pray type. make every shot count was constantly drilled into me.
after 15 years carbon fibers tanks can have an acoustic test (modal acoustic emission)done to extend the life of the tank. Hexagon Digital Wave | Life Extension Last I read, Europe certifies the same tanks longer than the US standard of 15 years.
Looks like I missed the decimal above!! I'm not going anywhere near a 45,000 psi tank! As it is I'll definitely have a knot in my gut the first time I watch the compressor climb to 6000.....