Yup, no doubt BL based on leaves. I usually harvest down to 3" Never have cut trees that small though. My other thing is the bark is loose 90% of the time and gets messy.
~dusting some frass off this thread~ We're back down to Cape Cod for a few days. Lo and behold, the few pieces of BL I left last year, are still here! They'll be coming home with me.
Way to go Mike. Its got a loooong shelf life thats for sure. Stop by Nebraska and grab the chunks Sandhillbilly left behind.
I often wonder how much bark ive taken off BL over the years. Leave pieces like that for a while and mother nature will clean it up nicely.
Yuck! PI!!! I threw a piece in my firepit a couple years ago and ill never do it again. Oh and i meant the barkless rounds will weather nicely if left out for a while.
The mania... I just had this song play today and wondered if you had this mania too Brad: I will always think of this song every time I see this thread now. Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.
Some good stuff there. Brings back memories of a small local radio station that played thrash on Saturday nights. Mid 1980's. Id record songs on cassettes.