Plenty of oaks and beech in my woods. The oaks don't have limbs until 30'+ feet up so a barely hear their leaves in the wind. The beech trees have lots of tiny limbs starting at 5'. They are definitely the maracas of the woods on a windy winter day.
Beech around us still have leaves, I was working at my parents on sap lines on Sunday. With a slight breeze those beech leaves sound like a vacuum leak...very unhelpful.
Sorry to hear about your fall. Sorry that you have to be in rebab. You might want to mention this in another thread like the BS thread. Get better soon and get out of that rehab place as quick as you can.
It is only the young beach and oak that hang on their leaves in this area. We get enough wind to strip most leave off the big trees.
Thanks. Wasn't only a. Fall button pneumonia and aseptic urine infection . Was out of it for a few days. He still has to fill in some of the blanks.