The sn0w has melted enough to start getting into the woods and doing some cutting, but already heard of friends dog with a tick on him. Self inspection time every night, we get quite a few of them on/in us.
It got pretty windy here to end the day. Overcast skies all day with a brief peek of sunshine near sunset. 33/72 and that'll be warm enough for the inside!
Was sunny & mid-60s. We let the stove go out last night. Supposed to be rainy today & through the weekend. I'll start the stove again tonight. We are scrounging for wood, starting to use some ash that I put up in December . The good news is my roomie is seeing the value in firewood hoarding and the need to get 3-4 year rotation going! She had never heated with wood before we moved here. And she's not questioning the need for another saw.
My dogs have had ticks on them every month this year. Even when we had those really cold snaps, the ticks found them.
NO likes... we haven't found one yet. 49/66 when I woke this AM. Lit the fire with a firebox full of red oak to raise the temps for my wife who will be home all day. Expected near 70 today w/ showers.
Let the fire go out for the last time. Too hard to control the heat level this time of year. Time to clean the stove and pipes and wait for fall.
True that on controlling the heat level. I had insualtion added to the attic and things get "too warm in here" in a hurry. But, I ain't giving up on the wood burning yet!
33/70 with another nice coat of snow overnight. Thunder snow at that. Crack, bang, boom. Me and the dog jumped up and looked out the window and it was snowing hard. Strange time of the year. Dog is confused Red Oak doing its thing.
Years ago we didn't have all this tick stuff going on.I could walk through brush and woods are day with no problem from ticks.Now it's like a plaque.
The ticks are thick in some places in the UP but they never bothered me. Only one time did one sneak onto the dog.