Good morning! Had plans to cut up a large ash (30" dia) that had fallen behind my in-laws. With 4" of new heavy wet snow on the ground and fairly strong winds I decided to stay home. The fire is going of course and I've got coffee. Not the worst decision in the world.
I think I would rather have the snow then the muddy mess that's outside. I was going to do some cutting as well, but after sliding around in the mud, and the wind picking up, I can work on one of my other 10,000 projects.
Smart move Buck. I dont mind splitting when its snowing, but a wet snow and im joining you by the fire with coffee! Kinda jonesing myself to make firewood but damp and drizzly out. Maybe later
Same out here closer to Buffalo. About 6” heavy nasty stuff with all kinds of water underneath. Was planning to cut this weekend myself, but second guessing it now….
That ought to keep the DT’s at bayI start shaking too when I haven’t cut in a couple days! Gator handle the slop pretty well?
About 55 here in dodge city today. Scrounged close to a cord of dead standing honey locust. Supposed to be mid 70’s tomorrow so planning to get it split and stacked and maybe rototill the garden.
Good for you! We took our snowmobiles out for a quick ride. I got mine stuck twice. It did not like steering in the heavy, untracked snow.
Well, changed my mind. Thought I had honey locust just because the tree I cut was next to a live one that was for sure honey locust. After splitting and stacking, I’m 97.378% sure that it is mulberry. 2.622% chance it could be apricot, but either way, some primo btu’s for this area. Was hard to tell, no bark, standing dead for a long time. 20” butt rounds tested 11% on several fresh splits and still very hard heavy wood.