I had a hard time finding them until i realized they are "coded" by brand. Here's an article explaining the equivalent batteries. LR44 battery equivalent | A complete guideline : Best one
Went to the farm site today. There’s a bit of snow. generator took a bit to start, but it fired off. Got propane, so we’ll spend the night and go home in the morning. That’s like a 6’ deep drift across there.
So I had my daughter order and find an Oregon 18” chain for the local hardware store. Figure out how hard and delayed the process would be. when I was at menards the other day, they had some of the same Oregon chains on the rack. It didn’t click on me right away the price difference… $40 at the local hardware store. $13.50 at menards after the 11% rebate. at the very least, they’ll make a good chain sharpening practice chain and a trash project chain when you don’t want to destroy an OEM stihl. Got 9 of the Oregon chinas now. I figured if there will be a future price correction…
I know I have some wood to cut on the farm site and it’s risk of steel in or near the wood is extremely high. I also know there is barbed wire in a lot of those tree lines and stapled to the trees too. just seems reasonable if it’s a high risk environment.
I was at one time thinking ahead. I would order woodland pro chain from Bailey's online. The rebate you got is a better deal, sometimes there's a 10 pack special though. I don't see any problem with Oregon chains either. Stay sharp = stay safe (er, er, ish)
The plan was to order the splitter the end of the month. I’d been told the 6-way wedge would be mid-April before it was back in stock… And it will be at the house the end of next week now.
6-way will be there today. Daughter finally sent me pictures of the driveway and how bad it snowed back in… not as bad as it was portrayed, but still needing to be cleaned out if I was going today. They’re getting more today and tonight . Then it’s warming up for the next week. So looking forward to spring. As much because I’ll be able to get a bunch of wood put up and hopefully sell in the next year and start getting out of the truck.
I had relatives from Brookings SD visiting this week I bet they are going to be happy getting back home from t shirt weather.
mall the businesses and school closed at 1pm today back home because of the weather. wife got stuck working until 7pM. Joys of being the manager and living right next to work.
Heading to Houston. Unfortunately, it didn’t weigh the 42,000 lbs they sold it as. It’s actually 50,000 lbs. sucks also the “customer” is in Turkey to get approval for the increased shipping costs. If the truck isn’t bad enough, not sure what the extra cost will be for the boat freight. Epiroch T50 rock drill… And the yard is drifted in again so…hopefully it melts away in the coming weeks. I hope to be able to spend 10 days there come 4/7. the piles on the side are about half gone anyway.
This will be at the house waiting for me along with a 32” bar, three milling, three skip and three full chisel chains. getting ready for the April wood cutting.
If someone hasn't said it yet, you've caught yourself an incurable bug. Good Luck to you and looking forward to seeing your wood adventures when things turn back to green.