Decided to modify this cheapo chicom maul because...well, it's cheap, doesn't work well so I can't possibly make it worse and did I mention it's cheapo chicom? Anyway, I started grinding with my 4-1/2" angle grinder got maybe halfway to the line and gave in for the night. Left work and decided to check Home Depot for a tool roll, found some Diablo steel demon grinding wheels which hogged off some steel! Finally got done with it and tried it out... holy chit it blasted thru some oak wood! Tried a few large splits with no problem and a round with a few more hits than usual but WOW I was impressed. I'll try it some more and update!
Pretty cool. I like taking things like this and modifying them just because I can. Then when it works even better that is icing on the cake. Nice job.
Update: I think it did make it better, I can split oak now with a maul, it'll be nice to quarter it up for the splitter. However, I found these cracks last night, not sure if it's from the handle I put on or the work it did on the oak in the OP. Time will tell I suppose!