Nice to have the trunk off the ground. If only they all landed just like that. I've had a few pine trees do that, but they cut quite a bit faster than oak. AT least, with my smaller saws.
I'm happy to report the monster is conquered. Sunday night we got the trailer and tractor loaded. Monday morning we dropped our grandson off at kindergarten and headed to the site. We were cutting before 8:30. Started limbing and loading. Used the huskihl special XS029, with a sharp Oregon chain, it was like a laser. We cut the limbs and had a 2 row stack on the trailer by 12:30-1:00. We carried this to a neighbor, he and his wife can handle this size. That afternoon, we loaded the biggest limbs for our woodyard. He also had 2 logs he had cut about a year ago... We also cut the trunk in 12-13" thick cookies. I found a The Wood Wolverine favorite chain, square grind chain, that was fairly sharp. It worked great on that big wood. This is what we couldn't put on the trailer Monday This is all we had left to cut when we left late that evening... We were on site by 8 this morning. Used the MS461 28" bar/sq grind chain again. Decided to take another 12" slice off the stump... Then we bucked the remaining trunk into 4 36" sections. That chain and 8 pin sprocket throws some chips... Has the first load ready before 9:30...odd pieces and the big trunk sections. 2nd load of the morning was the big cookies. A new BBQ guy is very interested in these... The trunk slice... The brush pile... Miz Carol was a champ on this one. Basically a day and a half to tame it. Had the tractor home by late lunch today.
Awesome!! What length are these rounds cut to? (pic should be labeled Blue Sampson food) I have to process/lift every piece of the monsters when I get them, w/o hydro help. That tree would have taken me a good bit of time to get through. When I see pics of someone else cutting on one, it makes me want to start looking on fbmp/CL so I can join the fun. Definitely not afraid of a little work here, well, a lot to work lol. As you know, the amount of splits in those rounds pictured above makes it totally worth it IMO. Nice straight grain oak is a dream! Nice work to the Goat Town Firewood crew!
I wondered what you were going to do with the huge cookies when I first saw them. Sounds like a BBQr's dream!
You and miss carol wasted no time on that one! Homeowner gonna just burn the pile of brush left? Not much brush for such a large tree.
Thanks, my friend. The rounds are 12-13" long. The prospective BBQ guy that wanted post oak, said he could only use 14" or less for his fire boxes. We had already cut the trunk in 2-36" long logs and a 42" log. We won't put those on Blue Samson. Over 40"+ dia. We will flip the TSC 30 ton vertical and use the pipe platform to break them down to handling size. He said he would split it like he wants...
I originally cut them 36" long. Finally got the grapple to grab one, it said "NOPE, not today......" So 18" would have been the next step. Then I called the new BBQ guy.
I saw that too, did a little inspection.. it's where the grapple grabbed it. We didn't hit anything. I thought it had been shot a few times, coworker said the kids had used it as a target for throwing knife...
Had to get it done, had to start back to work early this week. She did take a phone break a few times......