Something to keep my occupied during the hot months was making single track trail for dirtbikes last summer. Made a little over a mile long loop around one of the hills. Will build on what's there over this summer. This completely freaked my buddy out, who is helping with construction. I thought it was cool as all get out to see. Found some cool fungus also
This is my birb friend that comes to visit anytime I fire up the splitter. He figures its way easier to have me remove the bark for him to get at the grubs underneath. Has been visiting without fail since the first chestnut oak I put on the splitter. It was loaded with grubs under the bark. Cherry is a prise for me. In the early 80s it was high dollar and the loggers nearly wiped it out when dad sold some timber. I was stoked for this one. This Echo hopped in the back of my truck when I went to buy some filters...swear it! 501p. I like it a lot. The 550 will outrun it, but not out grunt it.
Finishing up the cherry My chains hadn't been cutting well. I hand file and have noticed I've been in a hurry doing it lately. Took time and made effort to put a nice edge on one to make sure I could still do it. .325 chips I have so much oak now Sugar maple
Another prize...Northern White. I have many, but they usually don't fall down. How's that song go? This ones....been a looong time a comin... Hickory from the wind storm. Had to look at it laying there for a while. What a mess. Within 50 yars of the big red that the ice took. Here it is ready to be bucked and pulled. Theres a 12 footer I didn't get a snap of, but here are proceeds so far.
Grabbed a couple tops Then got another 3 logs of honey locust from volunteer falls. Again, right by the lower stacks. Tops in the 'yard'
Ever pull a chain off and say "I'll sharpen it later"? Here is a wad of chains that I had to take to the saw shop to have ground. All of these (and more) were all 'I'll do it later' chains. Shame on me. I found this thing laying in the front yard one day in the fall. No one came by to claim it, so it's gonna stay. Waiting on a backordered non-cat muffler for it. It's still in the box as of today. But what about that Butt log? haha We all know what to do, don't we? Once I halved them, the fiskars was able to bust them. This is kinda current. Now it'll just be some stragglers and I will update new stuff.
The Yard Over Christmas I had some time off. Went to help a buddy get some BTUs out of his woods. Also over the holiday. Took a day off and went to The Air Force Museum. If you find yourself in the Dayton area or live anywhere near...go to it. I hadn't been since a wee lad and had a blast. Free parking, free admission. Be prepared to do some walking or rent a hoverround off them. These jet engines are 5' diameter, for scale. "We brake for nobody." Made some vegan cupcakes to give away for presents.
Dang! I’m feeling tired just reading your posts! Excellent work, hope the health continues to improve.
My good friend had a rupture. They just got to him in time. I was telling him what I was feeling and he was telling me it was like what he experienced. He had 5" removed I think. I had forgot to mention that during all of this, some 'nodes' were found in my lower lungs. Have since been dismissed. But yeah...great motivator. haha!
Thank you. I'm always good and tired when I finish. It takes about one day of sitting here at work for me to want back at it. If anyone ever denies the theraputic value of working with your hands in the woods, just go ahead and slap them. All this modern garbage goes out the window. The task at hand is all that matters. I pray that in my older years I remain able to get out and do stuff in the woods. There's not a whole lot I'd rather do honestly. And yes, that sounds crazy in my head but that's where I've evolved to. Every time I 'level up' simple things and hard work end up becoming more important to me. Everyone seems to be busy trying to make their lives 'easier'. Meanwhile, I'm over here embracing sore muscles and sweat.
Current status of things in my wood world. Burning through the last of my thrown pile stuff this winter. From here on out it'll all be dried in stacks. Have enough for next year sitting at the lower processing area. Another 1/2 half year up in the woodyard. I'd have 3 years worth for home, but I have decided that I am going to sell a bit this coming fall. I used 20 & 21 inch splits at home. Many don't have a stove to accomodate that length, so much of what I'm working up now is in 16" lengths. Still gotta slice n dice the hickory and two tops at the yard now. After that, the pickings are starting to get slim. Will have to revist the spots where trees fell and police up the rounds and branches. I've another big hickory down near the county road also. Need dry or frozen conditions to try to get. Swampy where it's laying. Beyond that...I have about 10' of 20" red oak and 8' of similar sized hickory that I left behind this spring on some ice kills. Hopeful to get everything squared up by the time real mud season gets here in a few weeks.
I mentioned that I thought I was done with the red maple for my buddy's mother. Well, I took a load down there and stacked it only to find out that she had gotten a smaller stove. This is me 'fixing' her splits. LOL Never have I ever...
For anyone who might be into them, this is the bike that rides that single track. Wanna get it n shape? Get one of these and ride it like you mean it!
I found out last summer that I have access to unlimited amounts of this. Owner wants more pasture. Hope to get back soon for some more.
Dang, you just kicked it up a couple notches! I'd love to have the property to have a dirt bike. I grew up on one and miss it a lot. Couple years ago a friend let me ride his KX450f at an offroad park all day. It hurt so good. And unlimited mulberry???
Osage actually...but yeah. One problem...I worked my butt off to get that small load. The trees are all tangled up together. They are due to start pusing with the dozer this year so I'm going to try to cut out of the push piles probably. Only other thing I can come up with is to take the pole saw and cut them free before felling them. I have a long history with dirt toys. I turned my nose up and bought a street bike in 2012. Got the Kawi in 2019. Trying to sell the street machine now to buy myself a work truck. I figure I gambled plenty on the street and came out ahead, so time to cash out. Had it to Dragon's Tail a few times, rode everything around me at least once. Going back to dirt. I am however going to put a plate on the dirtbike so I can commute the next time daddy gov feels like making gas $5/gallon.
Impressive to see what you’ve been up to RCBS Found a saw in the front yard? Can’t say I’ve ever heard that one before. Pretty awesome, and one that’ll only become rarer with time….sweet!