The arborvitae trees at our Central Wisconsin cabin took a hit in the last three weeks. Something has been been eating them. ALIVE. Four footed foresters? I think I found some evidence as to the identity of the perpetrators. I have narrowed it down to several brown furry creatures. They got their belly’s so full they had to sleep it off just behind our sun room. This is the third winter we have owned this cabin and it’s the first time the deerz went all gonzo,,,,
Yup, danged timber rats. Also have developed a reputation for committing kamikaze into your moving vehicles!!! Best have them removed right away.......
Doesn't surprise me, the deer here snack on Arizona white oak. If they can stomach that mess arborvitae must be a dream for them.
These were good looking globe arborvitae until the deer got hungry one winter. They are still working on snacking on them.
This is the time of year when they get hungry as most of their food is gone until things green up again. They hit our hemlocks hard too along with a couple cedar. I saw many places yesterday along roads where deer were scratching through the snow. Also one field had roughly 200 turkeys in it. I think that is the largest flock I've ever seen.
In years past I've watched them come out of the woods between my house and neighbors, they than trek down the road munching on landscaping along the way.
We have yew in our front yard that they munch on. A DNR gave me a suggestion that if I have the trees, to take some 3/4 inches around to cut 3/4 through and bend them over for the deer to eat. Haven't tried it.
Folks if you value your arborvitae/shrubs in your landscaping it’s best to wrap them in burlap or other netting to discourage the deers from eating them.
Cut all the branches off they have munched on up to the browse line. It will look a lot better than what you have now.
I worked for an electric power utility for 33 years and we had to constantly deal with idiots planting tall growing trees right under our power lines. We had a saying that we used amongst us when we would be trimming the crap out from under our power lines. The infamous 1-6-100 rule: Which means “1 cut, 6 inches above the soil level, solves 100 per cent of our problems”. I am going to incorporate the 1-6-100 rule on those arborvitae’s. I really don’t like where the previous owners planted them the deer are doing me a favor.
That is what we have done and continue to do as the deer keep eating. However, it gives me an opportunity to tell people we are the place with 3 bushes that look like giant mushrooms
Could I get exact GPS coordinates on that turkey filled field? I feel compelled to offer my services to the land owner this spring. Lol
The deer in VT will eat anything! “Deer will not eat evergreens.” Well, they do! Irony: Our neighbors let another neighbor hunt on their property. They came back empty handed a number of time this past fall. During the week, I’d check the cameras in VT and have multiple motion alerts from deer; in our driveway. I told one neighbor to tell the other neighbor to just park in our driveway with a coffee and wait.
I have a good idea for you. Our GTG is April 21-22. Turkey season begins April 22. Come for GTG then go hunting.
Since we are talking about deer ...... Today in our industrial park the road kept being blocked by the "domesticated" deer licking a pile of salt spilled from a plow truck.