Hi All - Been a couple years since I’ve been on the forum here. Took a long break from social media and forums and such. But my hoarding never stopped! Hope everyone is doing well! A recent wind storm damaged a few trees near the abandoned farm house where my current farm office is located. A gnarly old maple, a 26” catalpa with no core at all, a few pine trees and a spruce. The trees were cut and logs were stacked back in December. I bucked most of it up on January 2nd. Finally got a chance today to do some splitting. Trailered over the splitter and got two truck loads hauled. The maple I’ll stack in the wood shed for the house. Everything else goes to the sugarhouse stack. I’ve never burned catalpa. Getting mixed reviews on it from people. Anyone have burn experience with it? Someone told me it gives off a good stink when you open the door to your stove to put more wood on. Hearing that I figured it best to feed it to the maple arch. Felt good to have some quiet time behind the splitter today.
Nice get! Lots of wood there, never burned any myself. Always good to get some splitter therapy. Welcome back to the forum.
I've never seen Catalpa but those are some huge rounds. There is no way I could let that go to waste. I'd like to hear more about this wood, just for curiosity sake. Enjoy the splitting, it is nice to zone in on the repitition. Looks like you have a few days of work left?
I got a load of catalpa free from a tree service this past spring. It burns. It's not high BTU at all, like 14 mbtus a cord. It doesn't coal up either. It does dry really quickly, and it will pop a lot more than most wood while burning. I had a lot of shorts from the tree service wood, so a lot of it was used for campfire wood. It's BTUs though and it burns quickly. It's got a distinct smell, but it's not bad.
Yes sir. Couple days at least. Four or five more truckloads. Catalpa isn’t common around here. I know of only three.
Hey Adam, great to see you again. Wondered what happened to you? Hows the little one doing? Nice to see you're still hoarding strong. Catalpa similar to sassafras in texture, splittabilty, drying time, and btu's IME. Fairly common down here. Usually i see them as "weed" trees.
Hey Brad. Yep, once a hoarder always a hoarder. I’ll never stop. Just been working and keeping the homestead going otherwise. Little guy is good! Almost 3 already. I got him helping out all over. Currently he’s partial to picking out kindling and helping to bring in carts of wood. We have very few catalpa up here. The only ones I’ve ever seen are the few here at the farm by the house. How’ve you been? I scrolled through some of the forum here earlier - looks like you still own the king roadside wood hoarder title. Haha
Just rad through that read Mike. Prior to my being a member. One of those stumps qualifies for your other thread! EDIT: i see youve already posted there.