Candidly I quit following professional football when they took a knee and disrespected the country. I have 0 interest in any of it. Overpaid actors, all of them.
Agreed, and not just football either! Not a single person deserves to be a millionaire from playing ball...not one!!
We quit watching when that started too, not that we were avid watchers but we would turn on our local team, and other games would come on when we lost track of the tv and busy doing other things. I was disgusted of the disrespect of our National Antem and American Flag. Nope, no viewing in this house. My statement above does not condone political remarks, Hoarders please refrain. That said disrespecting our flag regardless of what side of the aisle is unacceptable.
IMHO, play ball can make whatever the rate is, but disrespecting the country that gave you this opportunity is disgusting.
We stopped watching NFL and NBA for that reason. We stopped watching NASCAR when they went woke and had Noosegate
Amongst the dedicated hunters in the rough shod bunch that I occasionally associate with, TP (in case you have to 'do the doo' in the woods) is politely referred to as "Opera Tickets"!
Worked at a place where a female 1st responder grabbed some "sanitary products" when another person injured himself and required stitches. They say "Carol" came running down the aisle of the factory droppig kotexs along the way. That is when she earned the name "Kotex Carol"!!! That was in the 80's for pete's sake!!!