Well well well... The honey locust that I missed out on the branch wood last Saturday on a city scrounge went better today. I drove by it on my way back home today figuring I wouldn't want to see if it was there on my way to work when I couldn't do anything about it. Well, on my way home the trunk was all chunked up in pretty uniform rounds just sitting on the curb. Some of the big rounds were even halved already. I told my wife I was getting this, instead of buying a new battery for my truck. The original battery is weak , but if you don't leave lights on with the engine off, it always starts, plus I have a jump pack. The battery will be at the store tomorrow still, but that wood might not be there. Wood won. I packed my 6421 with topped off fuel and oil tanks, figuring I'd need to halve or quarter some of these. I pulled up, the homeowner came out and says "take it all" . It was a city owned tree, because it was on the grass between the curb and sidewalk, but it was nice to not have any issues. He says it was an 80' tree. Since it was all chunked up, I don't know what rounds came from waist height, but the flush cut stump was probably 50" diameter. It was big, that's what I know. I also know that noodling sucks gas, and I found something in a round that sparked a little under failing daylight. Whatever, I powered through it, running 1 last quartering cut on a big round. Here's what I got in just under an hour. Full load. Those are big rounds, halves, and a couple quarters. I didn't get any before pictures, because I was pressed for time with impending dinner that my wife was cooking, as well as daylight fading. There were a couple, like 4 short rounds left. Probably 12-14" ones that will need to be noodled in half or quarters. We'll see, but I'm probably not going to bother with those remnants. I won't be able to get this trailer unloaded until this weekend, which I'm fine with.
I'd get the rounds left if there still there. Just noodle them that you can lift and put in truck. Nice score. Yea noodling sucks gas. I use the MS650 usually when I noodle. It holds almost a quart of fuel. Cause your wide open the whole time in a long cut it doesn't take as long as if your walking about bucking a log rolling into position and then going again etc.
Super heavy. I've been working out with a personal trainer for a year and I needed all of my strength to lift, roll up and flip these rounds and halves. I actually worked out from 3-4pm today, right before I left to go home. So two workouts today I guess. I'll throw a freshly sharpened loop on the 6421, and put it in the truck, along with coveralls and boots and a jacket, I could change at work. Unless the tree service comes back to pick the few rounds up, they are too big for most people to deal with. There's a couple of wood burners on this street though, so you never know. If I can get the rest, I will.
Nice grab there Hork! I wouldve had the same plan. The heck with battery, HL takes priority. Those are HEAVY too.
Hoo Yah that trailer is cursing you out big time. Heavy chit. I scored four rounds about 18-20” cut at 16” or less. Figured I’d just toss them in the trailer. First attempt it didn’t even budge it off the ground. There was no second attempt. Thank God for the winch YOU WILL GO BACK FOR THE REMNANTS!!! No honey locust will be left behind. Strap a couple of D cells to the battery if you have to
What? You've had a year to prepare for this event? And you maxed out on your strength? Time for a new trainer.....and lay off the wine! Cripes Horkn even rocky balboa can train for a championship fight in under an hour..... Good grab on the locust!
Lol. I was deadlifting the rounds and chunks, and the worst I am for wear is a few bruises. With all honestly, I think the only way most would move these rounds, or even halves, would be with a winch or some other form of Mechanical advantage. Those 4 piece are still there. If they are there this weekend, I'll get them.
Heck no. I wrote those off as my exercise for the week. Even showed the pic to my doc for extra credit.