Up to now most of what I’ve done is trouble shoot and repair on saws. Lots of Stihl and Husqvarna mostly. Some Dolmar and Makita. I have done some minor port work, widening and lowering intakes. That’s with a dremel in hand. And muffler mods. I’d like to step it up. Having said that, I don’t see myself getting a lathe to cut squish and deck it. And I don’t see room for a compressor large enough to supply high end die grinders. Now that I’ve boxed it in,, What would you suggest? I was looking at a couple of these grinders Porting and polishing kits for 2 stroke & 4 stroke engines Over?
I was in your spot a couple years ago. For doing the port work, I got one of these: Flexible Shaft Grinder and Carver (harborfreight.com) (any foredom handpiece works with it) Here is a good option for a RA tool for doing upper transfers: Angled Rotary Porting Handpiece Kit – Lucky Dog Manufacturing (luckydogmfg.com) (unfortunately they are sold out right now) If you get into the porting and need someone to do squish band & cylinder base cuts, I have a lathe setup for doing that & could help you out.
I buy most of my porting tools ( at least the carbide burrs and such ) from Goodson , 99% of what I do is automotive related but you might want to browse their sight and see what they have for your application.
Those kits from CC are good stuff. A foredom flex shaft with the right angle head and some good burrs and you are ready to go.
Slowly following up. I looked hard at CC kit and the Foredom. Even sold some saws to fund it. Chatting with FWC member I decided to start with HF. With tax, and coupon, just shy of $39. Have a Foredom hand piece on the was as well as some burs from Amazon
I think I'm going the harbor freight route as well. I only dabble and have gotten by with a Souix brand air pencil grinder. I can get a 90° version and keep rolling in with air but the idea of a pedal for much more speed control is very appealing.
I did use the HF unit to clean out some transfer and it worked great for that. Way better than a home made mandrel on the end of an 18v drill.
Drill does not have the RPM for that for what I do. I do a lot of cylinder head work for race cars and nothing works as good as the good ole' air die grinder.
I would only use for hogging and rough out on larger ports, but this thing is a fire breathing dragon. It will remove a lot of material in a hurry. Makita 120 V 3.5 amps Brushed Corded 1/4 in. Small Die Grinder Tool Only - Ace Hardware