Yes sir, they do... The owner text us the other day... "That's good looking wood ! We are very pleased with the wood and the service . Thank you , T Jeff ! " We hope to get a few more of the 330 gal totes for them too.
I did a few like that, but I either tilted it to fast or hit a hole and dumped some out. Also loading on the truck with the tractor, door helps...
They use a tote about every 2-2 1/2 months. Family style restaurant, similar to Golden Corral. He cooks ribs, Bbq and chicken on his smokers. They also have fried chicken, fish, veggies... He uses a few pieces with the charcoal in the fire box.
Jeff, those hinged 'doors' on the totes, can you show or explain exactly how you do that? Your totes, are they 330 gallon totes? Two splits appear to exactly fit the tote, so, how long are your splits? I have been thinking that if I were to continue deliveries to any customers at all, a tote-in-a-pickup would lessen the handling. Long as I have a tractor with forks. (No forks yet.) I could unload by hand. Looks real good. TIA!
We have both 275 and 330 size totes. The ones with just 2 rows are 18" splits. I just leave to bottom and top rail about 1 1/2" long from vertical rail, other rails are cut flush. Then we use set screw type conduit fittings to make hinge and latch The door does make loading on the truck easier
That's how I do deliveries. 1/4 cord in 275 gallon totes and 1/3 cord in 330 gallon totes. I have a gap between rows because I cut at 16." I load with a skid steer and unload by hand.
Do you leave the gap open, unfilled? Do you charge for delivery? Always curious how sellers sell. I, typically, do not deliver any more but if I do, I charge.
I only deliver to a few good customers. Everybody else picks up. I do charge for delivery, $2/mile. I leave the gap to aid in drying. I have plenty of totes so I don't have to squeeze every possible split in. If I filled the gap, I could get almost 1/3 cord in the 275 gallon tote.
No charge for the first five miles is my normal policy. $2.50 mile (one way) after that. Ten miles would be an extra $12.50, but ill usually round down so $10 extra. Depends how long timewise the trip is too.
We don't deliver but do have a lot of customers where we just load a tote or two in the truck/trailer and they just bring it back whenever they are in the area. Haven't lost a tote yet and customers do seem to like it better. A couple have purchased the tote as well.
After finishing the cherry we had, we switched back to oak Tuesday afternoon. Moved 10 logs to the splitter, got 4 bucked and split. Wednesday morning, we stacked that pile, the remaining logs. Brought 6 more logs over, got those processed... Had enough to finish that 1 cord rack and start a row on the next shed...
I had 7AM-7PM shift this weekend, so we only had a couple hrs Fri and Sat night to work. When we started Friday night... We got some before Miz Carol got to She sat in the truck while I a pile for the next night Got most of it Sat... Monday, I was off, cold front was coming in. Got the old fire barrel out and burned some scraps...... We got the pile stacked, the other 6 logs, needed almost 4 logs more to finish shed... Another cord left side. 2 total in this shed.
I posted this over on the Git'ter done in Dixie thread, but I guess it should have been here since I pulled logs off 1 of the Plantation stacks. Started on this side of the shed Saturday morning Got to finish the last row, will be another cord drying...