Not to be rude or disrespectful but last Sunday I had the occasion to attend a get together of the last remnants of a German club my father was president of most his life. About 30 people in their late 80’s to late 90’s. Everyone of them doused with $2 perfume or cologne from the 1970’s. I would have marched outside and chugged a molten Yankee Candle at that point. Nice people, love em all, known most since I was the stinky one in diapers. But all the competing smells was just too much. FWIW I can also tell when a large building hasn’t been changing its air handler filters Refuse to enter a Target store for that and other reasons. I’m just a canary I guess.
A lot of those glass percolators and carafes had warnings regarding breakage and maintaining a thermal mass inside the container.
Busted a glass lined thermos because I lapsed on remembering that once. Instead of warming it up, I poured the hot coffee right into it. Shatter instantly. not a great morning I'v moved on to a much better thermos now.
people who havent been to a candle factory cannot understand just how bad the smell is. Picture this hell. I was doing service work at one of the Yankee Candle warehouses years ago. I had backed my van up the ramp, and had my back doors open while I did my work. For WEEKS my van smelled like that warehouse. It was horrible.
Since everything is made in China these days I wouldn’t trust it to not break. Put it in a metal pan slightly larger than the candle. That way if it does break the pan will catch everything that leaks out and you will avoid a meltdown disaster all over your stove. You could probably find a suitable pan at your local goodwill or thrift store cheap.
Nothing wrong with doing it. I do it all the time. Just put it in a metal pot or pan. Never had a issue or one break.