In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Scrounging six cords a year plus

Discussion in 'The Wood Pile' started by Rowerwet, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. T.Jeff Veal

    T.Jeff Veal

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Country life, Ga
    Beautiful pictures
    Chazsbetterhalf likes this.
  2. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20220811_120414.jpg 20220811_125139.jpg 20220811_125218.jpg 20220811_130607.jpg
    After the boatvtrip into the falls, we headed back to lake placid, next morning we climbed Pitchoff the mountain to your right driving up from Keene to Lake Placid.
    balanced boulders makes a great photo opportunity.
    After hiking we grabbed some boats and went for a Paddle
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    As almost always happens when I go on vacation in the Adirondacks, we got caught in a surprise thunderstorm and soaked thoroughly.
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    The next day we drove to the top of the Whiteface auto road and climbed to the summit

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  3. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    After Whiteface my son and I went paddling on mirror lake, the one the vilage of lake placid is actually built on.
    Immediately after we launched clouds rolled in and rain fell, however it was absorbed by a lower level of air and never got us. We had a nice circuit of the lake.
    Sawfish in her new home
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    Work trip to Martha's Vineyard 20220815_162133.jpg 20220815_164707.jpg 20220815_172746.jpg 20220828_155150.jpg
    Flying to Tennessee to get my IA at Baker, a training school for aviation mechanics. FB_IMG_1661773085333.jpg
    Flashback to a camping trip with my sister's family.
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    Family ride on the Salem Windham derry rail trail

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  4. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20220903_135202.jpg 20220903_135304.jpg 20220903_135351.jpg 20220903_153840.jpg 20220903_154633.jpg 20220903_155048.jpg 20220903_163158.jpg 20220903_163118.jpg labor day paddling revisited a local pond from when we lived in Maine.
    We never found the good swimming areas back then, but did on labor day.
    Milton three ponds is a beautiful place to Paddle. 20220905_150705.jpg 20220905_151357.jpg
    Turns out my wife is a better shot than I am
    20220909_080325.jpg 20220914_171200.jpg
    Skating with my son, he likes it better than biking in hot weather 20220917_122904.jpg 20220921_091430.jpg some more work at Logan Airport 20220921_091644.jpg 20220921_181109.jpg 20220921_181128.jpg 20220921_181152.jpg getting some more firewood processed
  5. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221006_204458.jpg my mom boughtus a digital piano, our girlslike playingit because theycan practice with headphones received_1494253534356607.jpeg received_1675873576139566.jpeg received_392361786427530.jpeg these guys built a couple of my sawfish kayaks over the summer, a bit shorter than normal, but obviously plenty capable. 20220924_202524.jpg Haverhill river ruckus fireworks FB_IMG_1664269918211.jpg FB_IMG_1664269922571.jpg FB_IMG_1664269932158.jpg
    another example of the creativeness of foam kayak builders Z he's got it outfitted nicely
    20221008_141008.jpg 20221008_141340.jpg 20221008_150046.jpg 20221008_170541.jpg 20221008_170658.jpg 20221008_173353.jpg Connors farm corn maze with my sisters family
    20221010_152854.jpg got to fly over the corn maze the next week at work 20221010_153016.jpg look over salem harbor from the air
    Screenshot_20221017_122529.jpg received_3315695121978740.jpeg another builder who made a sawfish then had a family member give him a plastic kayak.
    We added the foam sponsons for standing stability for casting. 20221018_180311.jpg 20221018_181319.jpg
    Making more of a dent in my massive pile of logs
    20221104_174456.jpg 20221104_191905.jpg 20221104_193220.jpg someone turned 18, they had a great time at the trampoline psrk
  6. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221112_160719.jpg 20221112_165505.jpg made a big breakthrough in the backlog, whittled enough of the big trunk section down to be able to move it and get at the smaller rounds underneath. 20221112_165518.jpg my son does all the splitting now, this is all the small stuff we got out after moving the big stuff out of the way. 20221117_060959.jpg 20221117_061009.jpg
    Really loving this woodstove. The draft is fed right into the coals, and they will catch almost anything from just a few coals.
    Downdraft, top loading stoves aren't the norm, my dad had one and I think it's still the best design I've ever run
  7. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    AWESOME Pictures!!! Thanks so much for sharing Rowerwet , I really enjoyed them! I know lots of those places! :) Brings back some very nice memories! :tears:
    Chazsbetterhalf and T.Jeff Veal like this.
  8. Woodwidow


    Oct 4, 2013
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    Port McNeill, BC Northern Vancouver Island
    thanks for sharing your year with us. That was some big wood rounds and I love the cover on the woodsplitter. Looks a little familiar.
  9. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221124_114941.jpg 20221124_115834.jpg Thanksgiving we were in Pennsylvania again for a few days. We got together with my wife's best friend growing up and her family. Her daughter is our oldest daughters best friend, and our daughter is over their house many times a week as they work and go to church together.
    20221124_130300.jpg smoked chicken for Thanksgiving dinner, smoked in their own smokehouse. The flavor was incredible!
    20221124_164150.jpg 20221124_164456.jpg 20221124_164719.jpg views from around their farm, trying to walk off a few calories as the sun set.
  10. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221125_150840.jpg 20221125_150958.jpg 20221125_151012.jpg another walk in God's country, we all love the incredible views of the endless fields and mountains. 20221125_161005.jpg 20221125_161118.jpg 20221125_161153.jpg 20221125_161440.jpg 20221125_161638.jpg 20221125_161713.jpg a visit to a covered bridge, since the kids didn't know what one was. 20221125_163333.jpg my wife grew up at the end of this mountain but had never driven over it in her life. So I we drove over the mountain and came back up the valley on the other side. 20221126_200133.jpg 20221126_200141.jpg 20221126_200335.jpg I'm not exactly sure what this is meant to be used for, found it with the grilling stuff at Walmart. It's the perfect tool for scooping the ashes out of a top loading stove.

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  11. T.Jeff Veal

    T.Jeff Veal

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Country life, Ga
    Beautiful views and family time. Glad y'all enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend.
  12. Woodwidow


    Oct 4, 2013
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    Port McNeill, BC Northern Vancouver Island
    Nice weather to be out enjoying the views.
  13. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221128_115610.jpg 20221128_160632.jpg 20221128_161620.jpg 20221128_162025.jpg now that it's dark when I get out of work, I swapped my schedule to 4 ten hour days.
    Spent Monday attacking my backlog. Some of this wood has been sitting, waiting to split for two years now.
    Looks like I probably have enough to completely refill my racks.
    20221128_204058.jpg put the tree up with the kids after a whole day of ripping trees apart.
  14. Chazsbetterhalf


    May 18, 2018
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    Chaz goes into work an hour early and leaves an hour earlier so he can have that one hour of day light to work on wood. Nice tree.
    Rowerwet and T.Jeff Veal like this.
  15. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221203_145319.jpg 20221205_161312.jpg before and after bathroom project 20221205_164200.jpg Haverhill sunset over the new boardwalk
    20221205_164441.jpg city Christmas tree in Washington Square 20221212_160447.jpg 20221212_160432.jpg 20221212_135723.jpg 20221212_132942.jpg 20221212_135723.jpg 20221212_131058.jpg somehow the blocker for the lower Merrimack valley failed and we got some decorative snow. Miracles never cease 20221215_191524.jpg my firewood buddy is 18 now and started donating plasma with me. They pay pretty good for each donation, but the first month is close to $1,000.
    Unlike whole blood donation you can donate twice a week, and will not have any weakness, I've been doing it for months now and can go mountain biking the next day with no side effects.
    20221216_181847.jpg my youngest in a choir of homeschool kids, they did an amazing job. 20221217_071730.jpg another glitch in the matrix, somehow all that rain Friday managed to produce some ❄️, luckily it melted before anyone could expect this to mean winter might happen.

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  16. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221213_140034.jpg state of the art, fully featured, latest, greatest, navigational instruments (for the 1970s) with a modern GPS (for the early 90s) in a recent aircraft I did an annual inspection on.
    20221217_161110.jpg 20221217_161252.jpg 20221217_161938.jpg 20221217_162104.jpg 20221217_162234.jpg 20221217_162529.jpg 20221217_162811.jpg this rack had a roof I made out of a bunch of 20 gallon plastic barrels. Unfortunately each seam leaked, do my wood wasn't really kept dry.
    I finally got around to installing the old pool wall as a roof only planned on doing that for a few years now. 20221217_163814.jpg 20221217_163839.jpg easy way to make a shed for my splitter for the winter (to keep the snow off, almost seems like wasted effort) the tonneau cover was free, the wood was ripped out of a free pallet.
    20221217_164903.jpg another spot I ran out of roofing for, finally covered 20221217_170011.jpg lawn cart tucked away in the shed 20221217_170059.jpg another cord of maple and ash going up 20221217_182155.jpg
    Neighborhood lights
  17. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20221225_090040.jpg Christmas, it was great to have our oldest daughter home for a few days 20221225_084913.jpg neat gift she got for her siblings
    20221225_180144.jpg Christmas day with my parents. If you like board games, ticket to ride is an awesome game. Ticket to ride Europe has more challenges with tunnels and ferrys, and it's much harder to rack up a high score. 20221225_183355.jpg this was the last time I would see my father in this world. We gave him the USB heated vest which he loved. My mother got him the felt hat. 20221226_141308.jpg trying to make a family picture in the park 20221226_160459.jpg a beach visit is always on the agenda for our oldest as she misses the ocean 20221230_173932.jpg Haverhill lights 20221231_200933.jpg new years eve. My son and I drove to Teterboro, NJ to replace that flashlight in a corporate jet 20221231_202054.jpg 20221231_230903.jpg since he had never seen new York city or the statue of liberty, he asked if we could before we went home.
    We got to liberty state park at about 1030 pm. It was closed, but the restaurants were open for parties, so we parked there and walked to the statue.
    It was so dark and foggy we couldn't see the water on the other side of the railing.
    Then suddenly all of the lights in the park came on at once, turned out there had been a fire and power failure inside the park buildings. The fire department showed up, but couldn't get in through the locked gates.
    20221231_231413.jpg we headed towards the statue, hoping to get to see it through the fog.
    Finally as we passed the elis Island bridge, the light from the torch could be barely seen.
    As we got closer. The statue began to appear in the fog. 20221231_232158.jpg near the statue, the fog broke enough to see the island, the rest of the Harbor was walled off by the fog. 20221231_232335.jpg 20221231_233736.jpg we headed back to the van directly across the park, using GPS to figure out which pathways to follow, it was so erie as the lights were still off there. 20230101_001238.jpg Google maps took us through the Holland tunnel and around the south and west side of Manhattan, the views were amazing and there was absolutely no fog.
    We drove past the WYC.
  18. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
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    Seacoast NH/MA
    20230102_113555.jpg 20230102_143606.jpg 20230102_143635.jpg cool aircraft I get to work with and around. 20230104_205451.jpg what happens when the crew doesn't bother to dump the drinking water out of the tanks before leaving the jet outside for three days at Christmas... two whole water systems on this jet ruined by freezing... 20230111_142349.jpg 20230112_071600.jpg my parents visited my sisters family before new years, came home, shut their hose down, drove to Florida and the next day my father was taken home to where he's been preparing for since he was born again in college.
    This was their wedding picture, taken the same year 1971.
    20230112_071428.jpg my sisters wedding day 20230112_072438.jpg I was almost born in Kentucky, here's my mother, pregnant with me when they spent a semester at a Bible College in Kentucky.
    Thankfully they came back to Massachusetts before I was born. 20230112_211944.jpg my wedding day 20230113_080650.jpg one of our favorite memories as children, walking the tracks in Holliston, MA. 20230116_082202.jpg flying down to Florida for my father's memorial service. It stopped snowing just long enough for my plane to get our without much delay 20230117_161114.jpg mom hadn't been able to get her car in the garage since they had arrived since they had brought two nicer bikes with them.
    She thought she'd have to get rid of some,even though the grandkids like to use them when they visit.
    Between preparing, the memorial service, visiting, and other stuff, 20230120_081230.jpg I got the corner organized for her.
    20230120_131342.jpg I didn't want to leave her again without good memories, so I rented a kayak on the Homosassa River and took mom to see the manatees. 20230120_142424.jpg 20230120_142509.jpg they were thick along the bank, enjoying the warmer water, we had a great trip and some good memories. 20230118_101347.jpg beautiful memorial service 20230121_023027.jpg car, bikes, and the golf cart all fit nicely.
  19. Canadian border VT

    Canadian border VT

    Feb 18, 2015
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  20. Rowerwet


    Nov 8, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Seacoast NH/MA
    20230121_073524.jpg 20230121_161300.jpg two pictures from the same day. Leaving Florida with enough time to come home and take the girls sledding
    20230121_161623.jpg 20230121_163754.jpg 20230121_171018.jpg we love our sled legs!
    The day before this I took my mother paddling to see the manatees... 20230122_081919.jpg new family tree ornament to remember a trip a few years ago 20230123_115714.jpg 20230123_120547.jpg 20230123_120743.jpg 20230123_120801.jpg 20230123_121132.jpg 20230123_122111.jpg drove to Quonset point for work, only to find out that they forgot to tell us that the plane wasn't there it was still in Pittsburgh...
    So I hoped over to Jamestown and visited a park my grandparents would take me to as a kid.
    Hadn't been here since I was very young, back then you could explore inside the old bunkers 20230124_072603.jpg it tried to be winter again 20230127_184047.jpg after a long day in portsmouth new Hampshire, I came out of the hangar to see this beauty parked on the cargo ramp. 20230128_151005.jpg 20230128_151016.jpg 20230128_152101.jpg 20230128_152625.jpg 20230128_155312.jpg 20230128_152748.jpg
    then the weather decided to be spring, so we went exploring the Seabrook-Hampton rail causeway over the marsh.
    This will be the crown jewel of the seacoast NH rail trail if the towns ever get their act in gear and start building, they've all agreed to by 2030, so I don't see what the holdup is all about.
    The rail bed is washed out in sections, indicating it needs more culverts and bridges to be able to handle the storm surges.
    It's a beautiful walk and in remarkable condition. 20230128_160813.jpg 20230128_160439.jpg 20230128_160423.jpg 20230128_155312.jpg 20230128_152748.jpg 20230128_152726.jpg 20230128_152625.jpg 20230201_152139.jpg tire change on a big corporate jet 20230204_170805.jpg extremely cold sunset in Providence last night

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