Couple small dead ash i scored. Laying in the yard at the job today. Asked the homeowner and got the okay. Couple wheelbarrows full. (NOTE: maple quarters from yesterday) Had enough daylight so split it when i got home.
Burning some Ash here in Wyoming tonight. Stacked for two months in dry climate here and ready to burn.
Couple years ago i started keeping track and lost count. I do remember i scrounged almost ten cords in January of 2021. I sell roughly 30 cord including bundle wood. So i guess 25-30 cord yearly. Wood comes in, wood goes out. Have a half cord and bundle order for the next few days. BL repeat wants his cord after Thanksgiving. 3-4 cuts lined up including the three from recent threads. Doing fairly well with keeping up with processing wood as its coming in.
I do not. I just got it from a customer. I think he said six ton and thought he had the owners manual which he couldnt find. I wouldnt go over 12" rounds personally. I use a gas powered hydro normally.
I cant link a post like you do... Now that the 9 cord stack is full at home, I've throttled back to idle on bringing more home. I put new stair way lights in, as well as a washing machine last week. this week, floor and cieling trim in the back hall, and prep for holidays. But we went out for a bit of a chop session today. Just to stay with the program. Might go out tomorrow for a short splitting time, but im in no real rush to bring any home. Visited my friend at the farm a few days back...he has some wood ready for me in the back pasture.... Looks like youre keeping busy.
Got more ash after work again. Different location. Did a small pruning job for him and asked if i could take this ash blowover his landscaper had partly cleaned up. Forgot to get loaded truck pics, about two dozen, mostly trunk rounds. PITA fighting through th vine tangle, but got it done. Also cut a cedar up for poles/posts. One possible mill log as well. Prior chainsaw customer where ive scored firewood several times. If i remember ill get a pic of the rounds at storage tomorrow. Cant beat getting ash after work now can ya?
Pics of the rounds at storage. Ran them through the hydro and i was surprised the meat was as good as it was having the bark on. Cant figure dead ash out. Some will lose the bark and others its stays and turns into a fungus farm.