Mine turned on me, she went from being pizzed about me buying saws, to being pizzed at me not telling her about good deals on saws to flip….
Nah, more of I wanted one before they are no longer available. If I ever start milling, this will be the saw to foot the bill.
Speaking of 10 pin, I’ll probably need at least a 9 on the 3120 with a 24” for noodling to get it to stop 4 stroking or get super crazy low on the rakers. I know where the limit is on a 7 pin with a 390 and 395…..
Firewood duty, my ported 94 wears an 8, for milling it's a 7 and the rakers are tuned accordingly. 9 and 10 are strictly play(they funk up drive link counts).
Mine cares less how many I have. As you know, even followed that dude that ultimately ejected that Stihl.
Had to finally fill it up and oil it up… put my 28” bar from my other husky on it… that bar tighten screw is in a interesting place …. Made the installation a longer journey than I’m use too.. took about 8 pulls to get it started… definitely easier pulling than I was thinking it would be. Only made about 6 full cuts with it. Was impressed with the smoothness and the power…
Picked up for 50 bucks around the corner from me already own two of them and a parts saw so i threw it up on ebay its already at 127 dollars n got couple days left!
LOL!!! Probably not That was on it when i bought it. I kept it on there so i knew which 261 (i had two at the time) was the Mtronic.