WARNING: There is a cuss word in the video. Those from prim and proper New England states should probably turn audio off. Nice haul, Mitch. Glad to see it’s down safe and sound.
Turn the audio off for one “chit”? Awesome amount of wood there! If I were close, I’d help ya saw it up just for the fun of it. Keep us posted on processing. It’s fun to watch progress. HOARD ON!!!!
Be careful those left coasters don't have that video taken down for language being too white privelaged.
If you like consistent lengths then you might want to pre-mark it for them...most tree service employees buck rounds at anything from 12-20" when you ask for 16"
Lotsa good firewood there! We did a MASSIVE dead white oak a month ago, estimated it to be around 200+ yrs old. Some of the limbs were the size of trees themselves...lol One of my 064's sitting on the stump wearing a 28" bar.....it didn't touch the last 5" of the middle of the tree.
That has been discussed already. They are very professional. But I have to admit I did think about that. But I'll be right there.