I finally got done with cutting one of the big oaks that came down earlier this summer. I am having to noodle the rounds before using a maul to get them down to a manageable size. 20 inch bar on the 362. I am guessing those rounds are over 200lbs each. I got 2 rounds in this load. I got 3 rounds in the second load. I did have my permit for hoarding displayed. I still have 10 more blocks to noodle and break down into smaller pieces.
Looks like you and the 362 had lots of fun. The older i get the smaller the chunks get. Nice to see you in action again Eric!
buZZsaw BRAD The chunks may be getting smaller but the rounds are getting bigger to start with I turned 75 on my last birthday and this work doesn't get any easier. But it does take a lot longer
You're an inspiration sir. Hopefully i can do the same at that age...if i make it! Hoard on and work safe!
Oak is very heavy. This is a red oak that has been laying on the ground in log form for probably six months. This round is 18 or 19 inches in diameter and 19 inches long. It weighs 187lb. If you perfectly quarter the round it will weigh approximately 47 lb. Your rounds are most certainly over 200lb.
I got 6 more rounds noodled and split into smaller chunks so I could get them to my processing area. That was 2 trailer loads. I still have 4 more rounds to split into smaller pieces. I did noodle them. Next week looks like good weather for splitting.
I finished up getting the last 4 rounds knocked down into manageable sizes and brought to the processing area today. I have to take care of collecting leaves off of the lawn before I can do any more with the wood. Looks like it will be nice next week to do some splitting. I still have the other big oak to cut up. I'm getting tired
Good on you getting it done. Yeah, clean the leaves and the next day it looks like you didnt do anything.
I hauled 4 trailer loads of leaves out to the woods and put a bunch in the rhubarb patch. SWMBO said I may not have to work on the yard on Saturday so I may get the splitter out and finish the stack I have been working on.
That oak looks great! And heavy. A fun note, for the last 2 years I've been "mulching" my leaves right back into the lawn. No more raking and hauling, just a little longer on the tractor mowing.....
Definitely a workout! I have some massive oak rounds to process at a friends house. about 28" at the butt. It sucks just rolling them around.