On my way back from looking at a job this morning despite the rain and wet conditions and i happen upon an Asplundh truck. Ask the guy about the wood then i see another hoarder already there. I stopped a few seconds and watched as he struggled to start his Husqvarna. I was relieved to see the wood was oak as i wouldnt take it. Looked like he had a ramp to roll the rounds into his PU. Wonder if he's gonna burn (or try to) it this year?
Not at all. I sell most of my wood and have postage stamps to store it on. 2-3 years drying takes too long. If i had unlimited storage id take all i could get. Mostly take it when easy or "have to" as part of a score or its REAL easy to grab. I am in no way knocking it for firewood. Seems the majority of burners and sellers dont realize oak is a multi year drying wood. When i do sell it, i try to have it have gone through two Summers as a split. The oak i sold Saturday was 3 years as a round, 2.5 as a split, some was older.
Most of the firewood sold around me is Oak. It's usually split and goes right into the delivery truck. No doubt on the way to a customers house who thinks they can burn it this coming winter.
I know a man about the vintage of that one. Has a heart condition Is out of shape Really needs wood, but is incapable of fetching it for himself. He would be the same as the guy pictured, out there with equipment he can barely manage, is out of his element (ZERO PPE), is working harder on huge logs he shouldnt be moving, and probably, as you said Brad, going to be burning that shortly. My friend would be doing the same, struggling with huge rounds, under the impression he's gonna split that at home.....and keep warm with it. But, my friend doesn't have his wood stove hooked up. To save oil, he plans to build a tent around his comfy chair, and use an electric lamp of some sort to heat just that little space... Kinda sad. On a brighter note, Brad, if you have oak cut to 22", Ill gladly trade you cord for cord for ash (also cut to 22" though). And there's plenty here not cut yet. I like oak, and dont need wood that will be out of necessity dried in a year.
Working out in the rain might beat sitting home watching Days of Our Lives with the wife and her sister.
It was only a few minutes from home and it started to rain real heavy when i got in so i dont think he lasted much longer. If i remember ill go that way and check. Didnt look like much and of size.
Three years ago when Asplundh was cutting all over here i did go as far as leaving a "KEEPING WOOD" sign up in a few spots.
I remember 25+ years ago my dad kept a "free wood" sign in the back of his truck. He would stick that sucker in the ground as soon as he rolled up to a road side scrounge.