Skeeter, I always follow your cooks and look forward to seeing the pics. Do you some health issues I just don't BBQ like I used to. So I don't have much to post. Please continue your posts as I really look forward to them.
I cooked up this tri tip Friday. Smoked it until 115f ish and then opened up the vents to give it a good sear. It was yummy. Also all our larch trees are turning bright yellow so I took a pic of this little guy behind my smoker.
MikeSs that's a nice lookin bird. . Think I'm gonna pull one out of the freezer for this weekend. Cooked up some pepper and onion snausages from the local Amish market tonight. These things were awesome!
No, Skeet got mad that a lot of people viewed the thread, but not many people posted food..... Edit...I guess I should state that technically, I really don't know if he has, or has not, been arrested..... now insert my above comment.....
I really enjoy seeing Skeeter's cooking. Hope more people start posting pics here. Even if is hamburgers.