Scored a couple PU fulls of mulberry & cherry from their FBM listing back in June. He was cutting more trees down and called me last month that he had felled more trees. Cherry, Norway maple and dead elm. Despite his random length rounds i managed to get a decent load. More shorts/cookies than i like but easy back in cut and load yard. I asked more than once to leave logs in length. First time hydro has seen elm. Took the elm to top off the load. A lot of it was too punky. Split the whole load. Some came back home with me. Got a text tonight. He had felled another tree. I may go back this weekend.
You changed the title. I google translated and thought the original was kind of cool. Not too many Spanish speaking people around here.
Way to go Brad. Now I’ve seen everything. Not too, too long ago I remember you saying you’ll NEVER take elm and NEVER use hydraulics and yet here you are
I did. Here's the original title for those who are curious. "Acaparador de madero loco" and ill let the FHC translate. Kinda had to overcome a language barrier for the score.
This year ive really taken to CL/FBM for wood scores. This is not the first who have called me back. Not a very desirable neighborhood in New Haven, but easy to cut and load.
I NEVER said that, did i? I guess you can teach this old horse new tricks! You were the first i thought of when i took the elm. The Wood Wolverine was the other! The big logs seemed too punky (they were way in back and a couple cars in the way) so i only took limb wood that was mixed with other wood. There was another couple mounds with it but was cut too short. I think im gonna be short for dry wood for my regular customers so any ready to burn wood will get taken. Elm pile right down the street ive talked about for two years will get cut and taken once frost kills off weeds. Hope i didnt wait too long.
Nice grab, buZZsaw BRAD! “I think im gonna be short for dry wood for my regular customers so any ready to burn wood will get taken.” Any wood? How about some nice dry Pine?
PINE??? You'll burn your house down. Too much creosote. Its engrained in the minds of burners and non burners around here. Even when i try to tell them otherwise. More than enough good hardwoods available.
That’s so funny. There are thousands of people in my area that have burned nothing but Pine for generations in the same house. It’s amazing that any houses are even still standing up here!
I think you thought of more people than that with the elm. I too thought I'd never see you take elm or use a hydro splitter. But, this is part of what you do for livelihood, so you'll run across elm and you really need to be capable of dealing with it. The hydro splitter was just a tool you needed.
I did of you too Hork. The absence of a quality score to cut and going by pics "forced" my hand. Given room ill take it in the future. I have an empty rack for "soon to sell" wood. there was some dead cherry mixed in here too. Cherry heartwood is some dense stuff when dead.
Lol It never ceases to amaze me how many people believe everything they're told and never give it another thought. My cousin is putting in a wood stove and commented about burning pine, or even cedar, saying how bad it was and that it starts fires. I told him, "If you're that worried, clean your flue more often. Problem solved."
I’ve been browsing as well! Looking for local scores now that we own a truck and have a way to haul it.
Uh oh! ...competition? I dont usually go to your area, Cheshire, Meriden etc. as im on the Northford line. Lets find a score and cut it up. Are you taking it to Vermont? Anything specific you are looking for species wise or just decent hardwood?