Yes to pruning and fertilizing - the plants did well all season just did not get anything over 40lbs. Healthy, "normal" looking pumpkins but nothing big. I almost wonder if the seeds weren't even actually what they claimed to be. Got them on sale anyway at Country Max. Livingston Seed Atlantic Giant. Either way, the kids liked growing pumpkins for the first time so I consider it a success. One of them is actually still doing decently and growing new pumpkins, but the others have long since died off. I started using a fertilizer called "pumpkin juice" that seemed to do pretty well. I also only kept one pumpkin per plant growing so it's not like I had a bunch per plant, sucking up all the energy. I'll be trying a different variety next year for sure.
The one year I grew them, I started them early and transplanted them when growing season arrived. It had 6' of vine at that time! Maybe that'll help out next year.
Tabasco and Habanero peppers are still producing. It’s been cool at night, but no frost yet. This sugar rush peach hot pepper popped up in mid August after I pulled my cucumber plants. Last year I had peppers in this bed, so obviously some seeds survived. The peppers don’t have enough time to turn the orange color they’re supposed to be, but they’ll still be edible. My radishes are still coming in.
One year I planted China rose radishes in a very rich garden soil. they came up huge and had lots of leaves. I stir fried the leaves with onions and garlic and they were quite good. The radishes were hotter than we like so I cooked them like carrots and it took quite a bit of the heat out of them.
That sounds delicious I have a hard time growing radishes here usually. Spring turns to summer fast and fall is also short. The plants like to produce a large top but not much development below the soil. I believe that might be too much nitrogen in my soil though. Your climate is probably perfect for all of those cool weather crops like radishes, broccoli, lettuce, garlic etc.
Usually it is. This year started off really wet and cold and now it is fall, it is dry and too warm. I didn't garden this year. It was so cold and wet to get anything into the garden early.
This year's yield. Ghost, habanero, jalapeño, tabasco, Hungarian, and any other peppers left. Dried out in the smoker and ground. I cut it with various other rubs and spices and give it out at Christmas.
That looks fantastic In the past I’ve dried peppers in the oven on low heat and they come out decent. Doing them in the smoker has to add some serious flavor.
Last harvest. Some started to open up. Can’t wait to grow these again and put some effort in! These were left go with no tending.
I did take this pic today. Miss July's Marigolds are starting to wilt but I'm amazed that some got to 4'