Greetings all, I was out of the wood game for a bit because I had several nerve surgeries. I have been slowly getting back into it. I missed the forums, but a lot was going on with family and health, and honestly seeing all the wood made me a bit sad, jealous, and disappointed that I couldn’t do as much . Tough times indeed with all the downed wood in my area. Anyway, I’m looking to pick up my pace. I still have to go easier than before so I don’t aggravate the nerves, but I can do some. My mother had an oak taken down. It’s in 10ft sections according to her. I hope to get that home so I can cut and split. I will need to fix or replace my trailer in order to scrounge again. It leans to the right under light load and is pretty beat. I think it’s a converted vehicle frame, not sure what springs it uses. I will try to keep up with the forums, I miss the social aspect of it.
Welcome back. I agree with just the social part of being here. You can always find something good going on around here.
Sorry to hear of your woes,. Life happens as we've all experienced. Glad to see your better. Im in East Haddam 3-4 times monthly (near Hurd SP) and would be glad to lend a hand with firewooding Joe. Truck, hoarder and saws at your disposal.
Welcome back Joseph Valenti Take it easy and listen to your body… no reason to overdo it and possibly set your healing back any further. Accept help from others if it is available locally/family. Nice offer buZZsaw BRAD
Thanks buZZsaw BRAD, I appreciate the offer and I’ll definitely take you up on it. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for local scores. I was trying to find a tree service out here that can drop stuff on my lawn.
Welcome back for sure! As was said, take it easy and heal up. Help is always available here, no shame in that, we all need friends and neighbors to lend a hand on occasion. You have some great hoarders near you for sure! Go git R done buZZsaw BRAD ! Holler if you need me to send anything your way.
Glad you're back. Gladder that healing is happening. Im good for a bit of hoarding/gtg. Trailer saw, maybe even Stumpy will be handy. How's your supply for this winter? Sca
Welcome back!!! I just got back here myself...still on the mend though. Glad to see your still going!!!
Yes indeed welcome back. I understand the health situation all to well. Sure solidifies the need for the three-year plan period. Take it easy and don't over do it.
Just throw a couple of extra pieces on the left and the trailer will balance out Glad to see that you are on the mend.