Commie Ed has decided to install new, taller service poles in my hood. A tree service company spent about 10 days around my house and neighbors houses cutting, trimming, grinding and removing trees in the power line easement. Man that owns the vacant lot 1 house North of me OK'd me to haul out any "large" stuff I wanted. He wanted all the "woman wood"........the small stuff the tree service left. Anyhow; I've CSS'ed at least of full cord of Mulberry and Red/Slippery Elm. I've still got 7-8 gigantic rounds to split and wheel barrow to my house. These rounds are the kind you can get 30+ splits from. Bar on my saw in 24" and I need to attack the rounds from 2 sides and then role them to finish cutting before attacking them with my Fiskars splitting axe. Enjoy the pix. Have about 1/2 cord to fill in for these stack here.................before I start stacking in my auxiliary spot. All the "grey" splits you see are about 95% Ash that I cut from a friends place. Prolly cut 40 dead ash trees down on his property the last 2 Winters. Gonna hit it again this Winter there. Later.
Man, all the wood's gonna rot before you can use it. Seriously though, that's a great looking hoard and a real score. Nicely done!
That is a great score! What do you typically go through in a year? And is this score for next Spring or a later year? Looks good! Sca
X2 Love the mulberry plus the stacks. It's nice to be ahead, something I need to get back on track with.
In years past; I used to burn a lot of box elder and silver maple, and would burn about 2.5-3 cords of wood in my burning season. Now with mostly ash in my stacks, it's been about 2 cords/season.............but I'm gone for almost a week every 4-5 weeks for work, so that cuts down on wood burned during the burning season. I'll likely not burn this wood I'm processing now until '24-'25 season..........................Backwoods Savage learned me gooder.
These are the size of the rounds I'm dealing with at this score. This is one of the red/slippery elm splits. Actually splitting on its stump. Got 45 splits from this bad boy pictured. I've had to cut to size a lot of the stuff the tree guys left must be impossible for them guys to cut wood at uniform lengths!!! Some are 26", some are 10", some are 17" on one side and 7" on the other..................WTF???!!! Scotty; any thoughts here on why they do it???? It must be deliberate, because every outfit does it!!!! Anyhow; because I've had to trim a fair bit of this wood, it's taken more time than I thought it would. Got a lot of chunks, uglies and cookies from here.
If you measure it, accuracy improves. 'Course that doesnt help when theres embellishment going on....
Neither are females of the opposite sex..............they're told that 3"= 6"...............................
Nice score! When you're up in a tree bringing it down, I'd imagine the size of the chunks are not on your mind. And I wonder how many of those dudes actually heat with wood.