Desperate Europeans Return to the World’s Oldest Fuel for Warmth Thought this was an interesting sign of the times in Europe.
No kidding. That is desperation. Sounds like many saw it coming...beginning to collect wood and pellets in june. Also interesting they're thinking about burning trash.
I don’t fully understand the situation but it seems the politicians made a deal with the devil buying Russian gas. Now they say Putin bad no more gas from him and the people suffer. Hope they can figure something out. I’ll just keep stacking.
This is definitely shaping up to be a precarious situation over there. The people that normally heat with wood, or those that have a stove/fireplace as a backup will most likely manage just fine. But for the people who don't even own a stove, and especially those living in urban centers, they'll be at the mercy of whatever the supply chains can provide, whatever rationing their leaders find appropriate, and whatever mother nature decides to dish out this winter.
You're right, those that have planned ahead like most of us will be in a great spot in comparison. Is anybody here in (mostly North America) concerned about their stash? I have a security system that I bought on sale just sitting in a box, maybe it's time to actually install it. Also, I bet this will lead to more chainsaw accidents, chimney fires etc. further giving our hobby and lifeline a bad wrap.
I think this will only add yet another "bailout" which is ultimately paid for by us. Tapping into the oil reserves is not the answer.
I am far enough out in the country and far enough off the high way that I don't have a concern about wood walking away. I will say that I am shocked at people I know that seem to be upset/angry/or maybe envious is a better word, that I have 'more firewood' than I need.....what???? and that I don't have a 'real' utility bill....what??? People don't realize that having acreage means having different expenses as well and different joys. Nor do they realize that it took me decades to build up axes, mauls, peavy's, wedges, chains, tractors, gas splitter, chain saws, knowledge, etc (yes these things all have multiple uses on the land) but a wood pile doesn't just happen over night, nor does a stove and chimney. To me my stove, chimney and tools for wood cutting were an investment in my interests and ideals, knowing that I could provide a way to save money on propane and always be warm and have a way to cook a good meal. I have enjoyed every aspect of wood burning, from buying a stove to time in the woods (okay I really dislike limbing up a tree) and I like having the security and peace of mind that comes with my stove and wood was a choice and an investment.
What's interesting is that prior to the whole Russia/Ukraine war, the wood stove was seen as an evil toxic gas spewing, climate killing defunct monster. They urged everyone to get rid of them. Now this...
I do hope their district is properly seasoned before they burn it. Seriously though, really surprising to see how few heat with electricity.
The way I understand this nord stream pipeline sabotage is. Protestors have been upset that it's running through the ocean, threatening to kill everything if it breaks open so their solution is. To break it open!? Sent from my LE2127 using Tapatalk
Oh it's just a CCTV setup, $500 from Lorex. My wood stash is behind my commercial building, so they kinda go hand in hand
Joined a FB page about firewood and seasoning or some such thing. Didn’t realize it was UK based. After reading the posts for a few weeks I’ve come to the conclusion it’s gonna be a nightmare over there. For the most part they abandoned all those evil wood burning devices years ago. Now you have a nation that doesn’t know what side of the match is hot scrounging wood blocks out of their child’s toy box. Seemingly not much epa improvements in stoves from what I can tell. It’s gonna be a smoky winter.
You found the UK Facebook page too? I had to unfollow it in two days. It was an interesting group of mostly good people trying to catch up on heating 3 years behind where they needed to be. Some where professional wood sellers talking about high demand, selling out of ready supplies, and rumers of price controls. I was looking for a group where used winches and log loader trailers would be listed for sale. Apparently the market isn't flush with used hobby sixed logging equipment.