Never noticed it until i was wiping the saw off late today. The hot/cold carb thingy. Owned the saw over two years and just noticing it. Do i just pry it off and flip for the current season? Never have switched it. Second question. Saw revs up a bit and chain moves at idle. Which screw do i turn which way and how much? Thanks in advance!
I think you slide it out and flip it over and reinstall. If it’s idling high but stays running, you’d turn the LA (German for idle speed) screw out. Left. CCW. If it sounds lean like it’s running out of fuel, turn the L screw (always closest to the motor) out (ccw) to let more fuel in. If the idle speed sounds about right but the chain creeps, it could mean that the clutch drum bearing needs grease or clutch springs are worn out
I have a flap for cold weather on my CS-590. I was cutting when it was just below freezing and tried the cold configuration. The saw wouldn't idle so I switched back to warm mode. At least for my saw, it seems like that mode is for bitter cold, and isn't needed most of the time.
I have never had to use the cold mode on my saws...granted I don't do much cutting when its below freezing. I could see it being a benefit if you were in near feezing temperatures and high humidity/foggy conditions that could ice up your carb.
I have one in my 460 on the air filter cover that ill switch. Having multiple saws i dont know if this has been used in the cold and being Southern New England it doesnt get brutally cold here. I usually dont cut below 20-25*. Have to check the other saws if they have one.
No never moved one. It’s one of those things that you don’t need to mess with until after you’re having issues
From the manual. 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) seems a bit high for the changeover point?
That does seem high. It looks like they are recommending it for just the warmup though and not for sustained operation.
Keep in mind that the pressure of the air moving through the carb is lower than the surrounding atmosphere, and with this drop in pressure comes a drop in temperature, hence the carb icing. I've never had trouble cutting in below freezing conditions because the relative humidity is already super low. I've only experienced carb icing when the air temps were in the high 30's to mid 40s and enough RH to make the air feel damp. On a lot of saws, opening this shutter can allow a little more sawdust into the air-cleaner as well.
In your opinion/experience what would you keep it set at year round? Ive owned this 361 for two plus years and never switched it during the cold.
I never mess with them. Never had a problem in our winters here in PA. Too easy to leave it winter setting in summer an risk burning up the saw.
I would keep it in the summer setting unless you start experiencing carb icing. You'll know when/if you do!
Summer mode all the time for me. Never had a carb icing issue. Probably because if it is that cold I am sitting by the fire.
Funny you mention an 064. Found a screaming deal on one on FBM for $500. Hour old listing. PMed and no response. Listing ended the next day.