Hello, In regards to heat circulation, does anyone use those temperature activated fans on their wood stove or insert? Or any other type of quiet fan setup? Thanks, theedge
Some do but they don't move enough air to make a difference. Just look at the fan blades and then realize they do not turn very fast. It might work, say, in a tent or very small space but a house is not a small space. In addition, the stove is not normally at peak heat very long so the fan slows. As a novelty, it is okay. An expensive toy. We had one as my wife really wanted one. After a day or maybe 2, we returned it for a refund as it was practically worthless. To really move air you need a small fan sat on the floor near the coolest room. Aim the fan so it blows cool air into the warm. That cool air is more dense than warm air so will push the warm air out of the stove room. Run the fan at low speed so as to not create a cold draft. It works. It really depends upon what you are trying to accomplish. Novelty or to even out the heat.
Those fans are kind of a novelty in my opinion. I had one and it lasted maybe 3 seasons at most, and for $100 that seems pretty lame. In concept, they are kind of neat, but again......novelty.
I bought one as a novelty. Was surprised it worked. They’re not designed to push a lot of air. All they can possibly achieve is stirring the environment inside the house just enough to break some hot/cold barriers. For me it was my second floor master bedroom. While heat rises it just never traveled through the door. 10 degree difference on either side of an open door. It did the trick. Don’t expect results in minutes and there’s no way I guarantee it’ll work for anyone else. Welcome to the forum.
I use one, can't say it does a whole lot but I do feel it moving air. Been using mine for 10 years now or so. I would replace mine if it does ever stop.
We had one many years ago. It moved a little bit of air. It was more effective as a thermometer to let us know the fire was waning as the stove at the time had no window. Alas one Summer it got froze up and was retired.