If i worked that way maybe a day and a half, but im like Sirchopsalot as i have two speeds. Dead stop and BTTW. I will go slower and clear stuff to work safely of course. I have plenty of experience in conditions like this which is a huge plus.
They dont realize the amount of work. Ive seen the same here too. I may noodle some of the bigger logs if i have time or am motivated. Really difficult conditions to noodle in. I prefer flat grassy area to do such. I never go by this area and wont be able to see if they have retrieved the wood. Even the easier rounds arent that easy to get out. Plus its white oak so they wont be light.
Any way you could drag larger chunks up with your truck for processing? Im going to take my old trailer off the road shortly. Want it? Its good for 1500#. Yours for a real good price. Sca
No dragging. Single rounds, maybe longer limb wood. I may noodle bigger logs, but as stated prior i dont want the wood and dont have to get it out of there. Basically buck and leave as is.
I occasionally do odd jobs, it’s simply labor and materials. I’d also tell them that you will have to charge them for any chains that hit metal. Even if you charge them $100/hr it’s going to be way cheaper then hiring a tree service.
Looks like a major PITA Brad. My thoughts on things like this both at work where I quote work for my guys, or in my personal side business is if it looks like it might be challenging, and not in a fun way is to quote it like I dont want to do it. That way, at least if you get the job, and it SUCKS, you have the comfort of making more money than usual from it.
Judging by pics and description AND the fact that you're not getting any of the wood, I'd politely walk. But then again, I have other things I'd rather be doing. Be careful when estimating. As suggested, figure how long you think it will take. Then ADD a couple more hours. Unless you're really good at figuring, my experience is that things always take a little longer than expected. If it goes well, you can knock a little money off and you'll be a hero. Good luck!