Every so often I check my local FBM for wood prices and see what’s available for free. Came across a posting for free hickory and oak about 35 min from home but close to work. Stopped by and took a look and made sure it was legit. It sure was! First 3 pics are from the posting. The guy said he had over 25 people respond wanting the wood. Cut two loads one day after work and went back for the rest the following day. Had to noodle the big rounds into manageable sizes. Talk about heavy! Started splitting yesterday at home. This will be the start of our wood for 2026. Here’s some pics….
Sweet! That hickory is looking 25 people wanted it and you're the lucky (motivated) one to reap the spoils
was there any competition? what did you make off with, and are you heading back for another load or two? Can't beat a good Hickory score, and near work is too convenient!! piles look good. Nice!
Awesome score. Yes hickory and WO are HEAVY. Nice that the score panned out and convenient close to work. Did you get it all? FBM has become a great wood source for me this year. Some scores have been great and some i have to pull teeth to procure (those are usually for black locust). Sometimes you need to jump on them to get the spoils. Hoard on and cut safe!
Awesome! On FBM or CraigList score, you usually have to jump on them… unless there big wood and then it seems to separate the men from the boys…
The guy that posted this wood on FBM was kind enough to let me have it all and kept everyone else out until I got it. There was another pile behind the shed of more manageable size pieces that didn’t need to be noodled. I took all I could get minus a couple small rounds he wanted for a neighbor.
Thats REAL nice he did that. Usually ill tell the owner if and when i can come back and if they need it gone dont wait for me. How much you think it was cord wise Mike13?