Thank you all. The thing that made me wonder is there's no thorns on either tree. They have been holding the ends on two of my firewood racks up for at least 25 years and now it's time to cut them and add them to those racks.
The hybrid variety has no thorns thank God. I wouldnt touch one if they had it. Popular yard/commercial landscape tree. Wish i could scrounge more. Ive heard that HL is very rot resistant.
The first one died about 2 years ago. It's standing with the bark falling off. The other probably won't have any leaves next spring so I'm going to take it down also
The one I removed a month ago was a native, and as you can see, it was thorny!! Used a handful of those big thorns to start a fire in the brick oven, they were good firestarters but man did they pop and crackle!!
Holy mackeral! No wonder I've heard about them flattening tractor tires. Those things are scary and I'm darned glad we don't have anything like that here.