I will. But it will be a month or more I'm thinking. I put it at that end of my wood pile that needs processing
Dont take Jason seriously. He is the biggest elm hater on the forum. Some good natured teasing is the norm around here.
Yes! Do it now and report back with pics. I don't own lots of land that I can watch my elm trees die, several years later watch the bark fall off and them be,,, it's ready! I scrounge free wood so when I do get it, it needs to be split and stacked. None of this "let it sit and age before you split it" bullspit for me. FIFY And Brad nailed it. I like to have fun with it. I see guys splitting elm that didn't look like what I've experienced and that's all good. I don't doubt elm can be split somewhat easily. I am very spoiled in that I live in an area that is chock full of premium hardwoods so I can snob it.
So I split up one big round this morning. Straight grained and easy as pie. I think it would have hand split just fine.
Ya as soon as I saw these new splits I said the same thing.Doesn't look like Elm more like some of my Red oak or a hard Maple.
Definitely not maple if you look at the leaves at the top of the post, though there is a couple of maple splits in the very last pick