I do the same quite often in the colder weather when bugs and microorganisms are inactive. Have an old mound of splits to move and stack from a couple Winters ago yet!
Once my stacks are filled from the ash score, all else will go to a friend's place, some for him, some for me, and will be tossed on pallets and tarped till we both have room. Not a bad situation to be in. On another note, I saw a friend's father, who had a tree taken down recently. It was quite a drive, and his folks are real neat people. My friend's dad and brother were there, 4 of us swung the mauls, and 2 of us ran saws. I ended up with a full trailer load of good hard (red I think) maple splits. Then his folks bought us all pizza. The spare wheel on the trailer was well off the gound. I wasnt sure how that would fly. I didn't like all the rattling of crap I left in the tool cage though. (Wheel for the jack).
Very impressive, Mike. Great thread. Stacks look great. Glad you recovered from your injury this spring.
And here I was, thinking I was done updating this thread. Wrong! I noticed this last week Broke out a ratchet strap, temporarily. Can't really fix it until it's empty. So, I emptied the rack next to it. From here To my new, still emptied rack. 75% of that is white oak, ready to go. I had lost the location of it a few years ago. But with recent restacking efforts, it was a "There it is!" moment. While I had my restacking MOJO going, I kept at it. Both of these racks are of the same design, with similar issues of loosening over time. They were a free roadside scrounge, back a few years. They are about 5ft long and fit that space well, being back tight against the rock wall. I'll probably get some beefier wood screws and research some kind of 90⁰ bracket to wrap each corner and provide more support. I also need better footings under them. I'll be breaking out my level again!
I wonder too, if you tied the tops together through the wood pile....end to end....then the ends might not lean out or would lesn out so far....
Those look like rough sawn pine 2x4 "timbers". Over time the pine shrinks and even screws will loosen up. Ive had mine loosen over time. Make the corner 90* pushing the ends to vertical, cut a 2x4, 2x6 the length between the two long rails. (looks to be 12-16") Attach these to them with 3" screws. Two on each side. This will give you and extra member to attach the verticals to. I do that with my latest half cord racks only on top 3' wide, 6' long, 4' tall with a 6' one by or two by in the center at the top. One pictured almost full and you can see a one by on the top. Ive thought of an internal "stretcher" but id be hitting my head on it. Cant get any more brain damaged than i already am!
I tied mine toward the top, under a layer of logs. I drilled a hole through the uprright, ran a clothesline sized rope through it with a figure 8 knot holding the rope from pulling through.
Another thought Mike. Dismantle the rack completely and use cement blocks like you have on your other racks.
I was able to shore up my racks. By splitting, noodling, and moving/stacking wood from 2 summers ago, I'm able to get closer to cleaning up the area at the top of my driveway. I was noodling ash that should have been dealt with months ago. A broken wrist delayed that task The racks are much more solid and on better footings. I had but one circle stepping stone under each end. Three under both racks is much better. Those galvanized brackets were too small to use them as I planned. Having them oriented like that, works. I also ended up with a bunch of noodles/chips. I use a mulch rake and snow shovel to collect and spread them in some areas that would probably get muddy.
the stacks are looking good. We have a truck full of green alder that needs to be unloaded. Maybe tonight after work. meanwhile the truck rides really nice going to work in the morning.
Here's a before/after of the "temporary" stacking area. A month ago. 1.5 cord of RO splits. Today. Under the covering on the left, are a few gnarly ash chunks destined to be noodled. Also, oak shorties to the right.
Man you have been busy! the racks look good. I hope they hold up better than the previous rendition. Now that the temporary holding yard is cleared out, where does that put you for "the plan" and all of that? any more coming in before the snow flies? SCA
I'd like to fully clear out that area next to the driveway. I've been burning some ash shorties in the wood stove on the cooler mornings. I expect there will be some more of that in a day or two. I have a dead ash leaner in the yard to take down. There's a standing dead BL at my friends place I'd like to get down. As always, you never know what might present itself to me. I wouldn't object to not do any wooding for a while, so I can get caught up with other tasks around the yard.
I hear you about doing other projects. I too hope for a bit of time not hoarding as well. In fact I may turn stuff down after this Ash score. Truck needs a bed, to be undercoated . . . I want to begin bringing in timbers for the retaining wall build, now, for assembly for next spring. and a shed build on the side of the house. . . . I'll need a summer . . . But, after this score in a couple weeks, then with 5 years on hand, helps ease the pressure of hoarding.