My trailer is 18’x7’ and I loaded it 13” high on the sides and another inch or two rounded in the middle.
I have not hoarded with the intent to sell. Other than the above logic, I have really no experience or basis for starting that. EOD, i like the lighting setup on your trailer.....mine are not shielded in any way....on the old trailer I put the lights on quick disconnect to make changing units faster..... I like the tailgate pin better too, mine will hold, but I feel compelled to rig a cable on each side in case the pins let go. Mine's 10' x 5.5' x 17.25", filled just above the rail is 1/2 cord. I'll fill it a little further on account of airspaces. A little more is ok, less and I'd step out of favor with the Lord. Sca
Yep. All the young weekend warriors are selling green split wood for beer money right now. Hard to compete with that unless you have repeat customers already. Wait till it’s cold and there’s no sticks to be found.
One of those rear taillights sticking out removed a big chunk of skin from my shin bone a month ago. I laid on the dirt in the fetal position for at least ten minutes before I could stand up. Still hurts and looks ugly. The tailgate pins are spring tensioned, but I still tie them down to be on the safe side since the trailer rides very rough when empty. I needed a trailer to haul my zero turn back and forth to cut my Dad's lawn. Went bigger so I could safely haul a cord with plenty of weight capacity remaining. I think adding extra firewood to a delivery puts you in good graces with customers. I usually fill a 8'X4' firewood rack completely with 16-18" pieces with a dozen pieces stacked along the side. The down side is it takes them longer to call me back for more.
Most of my customers have purchased their first rick from a "weekend warrior." That is why I get $100 or more per rick over them and keep my customers. And then there are the tree service companies in Nashville that try to get paid twice for green & soft yard tree wood.
im no professional trailer guy but my empty dump trailer bounced all over the road when I got it. Shake rattle and roll. Trailer company even set me up with a lower hitch when I left. I dropped the adjustable tongue as low as it would go. Eureka. I can’t even tell it’s back there when empty now. May want to try lowering the tongue anyway possible.
EODDiver If you are cutting your wood to 16 inches which makes for 3 face cord to equal one cord, you are selling for $795.00 per cord. Not bad
I sell my cords for $760. I pass on some of my fuel savings for multiple rick and cord purchases. My four face cord sell last week to a retired doctor put a lot of Benjamins in my pocket all at once. Of course, my wife demanded a few of those when I returned home. She does help me unload my logs, split, stack and load for deliveries. She is a 120 LB beautiful beast. I cut most of my pieces in the 16-18" range and load my truck and trailer neatly to get the required volume. The majority of my firewood is cut out of 10-12' high stacks pushed together my loggers. It is like cutting in the middle of a game of pickup sticks. Hard to get exact cuts in that situation. And I don't have any heavy equipment to pull the logs and debris out with.
I have the ball hitch height to achieve the 10-15% tongue weight. There are just some places around Nashville that haven't repaired all the potholes from last winter. I've learned to unload my truck first and keep some wood weight in the trailer as long as possible. I have the tires just at max psi for hauling cords. Would probably help the ride out if I let some pressure out when empty and fill back up at home.
I have no intention of even listing my wood until late winter. I'm not gonna race to the bottom during this time of year where everyone is selling green wood for cheap
About the same here. My son and I are pouring a 2 concrete slabs for four thousand on wednesday. I'm buying two log loads for 2400 on thursday. That is about thirty cords or so. Got them already sold at 300.00 a cord. God bless America! EDIT: If my driver can get a third one to me, I'll still use the remainder of the four grand from the concrete for hunting gear.
I already got called a rip off by one potential customer on Facebook marketplace which im about to delete…said 150 for a half cord of all black locust is way too much