That rowdy gang of teenagers help with wood for a few minutes? I found some here that loved throwing wood at me (to stack) or even run the splitter. We had some reall good times. Sca
Dang rowdy teenagers. When I bought my new truck I found out real fast I’m too old and feeble to even get in the back much less work out of it like years ago. Just so happened to buy one of the highest stock trucks available. Next purchase was the dump trailer,,,,a looow dump trailer Was also wincing at your rear window. Smashed mine out picking up free pallets on the side of a busy road. Rushing to get out of there. They’re not as thick as they were years ago but I am
I might not jump out of airplanes. I might not jump with bungee cords. But I’ll put the toilet paper in the holder backwards sometimes just to see the worlds reaction