We call them uglies and we pu t them in these pallet crates. What do you call your odd stuff and how do you store them?
I call them money. I fill an IBC tote with anything less than 12" and sell for $75. I like being paid for my trash. Slightly bigger stuff becomes kindling. Also sold.
I've considered this. One guy nearby sells the tote bags for. $50 each and has a lot of maple syrup guys buying them.
I burn some, use a lot for tarp weights, feed termites, bonus wood for customers, give away, camping wood, put in haul away pile for city.
uglies for cut-offs/trims whatever. knotty bits for pine chunks with big knots that just won't split or shattered, etc. I've made boxes out of pallets , I've tossed them between rows of splits, I've tossed a few on tops of rows of splits. I save most of them and use them somehow. I'll dispose of them on a warmer day when the stove heat isn't as needed.
Till recently, I've been cutting everything to 16", our stove takes 24". I built a shorts and uglies shed, where shorts, uglies, we skinny's go. Partly Idon't like wasting wood, partly because weve given them away to folks with smaller stoves, and, when our stove is jammed with 16's, we can add a handfull of shorts north south to fill the void for longer colder nights. This year, I've been cutting to 20", see how we handle those. I'm also taking less uglies as I go. We call them heavy hotties here, as they're rather dense and heavy for their size, and burn hotter than straight grained splits.
I have a repeat buyer that likes some shorts mixed in. As for the uglies the go in the ugly bin, because the OWB burns it all.
I call them nuglies, shorties, cookies, chunkies etc. Stored the same way...in pallet crates either half cord or full cord sized. I stack the front with longer shorties and back fill with the rest. I dont intentionally make them that way as a lot of the wood i scrounge is cut to certain lengths and i end up with a shortie. Nice when i can cut a full tree and get almost none. A bin i finished the other day. 4x4x4' inside dimensions. When i get a 48" square pallet ill save it for such. Scored a couple today at Lowe's.
Another full cord bin ive been filling since May. One year drying woods going in here. Mulberry, cherry, red & sugar maple and black birch so far. Some scores generate a lot of them. I have to build another for primo multiyear drying hardwoods. Have a mound of Honey locust, shagbark hickory and white oak waiting for one. Some green black locust nuggets may end up in there as well.