Not sure if all the rounds are from the same tree. My neighbor had a few trees taken down 6 months ago. I tried using the app “PictureThis” and it’s telling me everything from black cherry to sweet gum.
Thanks man. I’m always hesitant to take wood from people not knowing what kind. I’m trying to get better at ID’ing trees.
I see something more like pin… fast growing, wider space between rings. Welcome to FHC PAsuburbburner
Hello PAsuburbburner and welcome to the FHC. Looks like some type of red oak you have there. Been sitting for a while judging by the weathered ends. Bark should come off easily and the sapwood is starting to punk. Common on oak. Still great firewood, although it takes longer to dry that most woods, ideally a couple years or more.
It is oak but not sure of type. Chestnut oak has unmistakable bark which is the easiest way to ID it.
Welcome to the club, PAsuburbburner lots of great folks here sharing knowledge and humor. That wood in in the Red oak family, as others have stated, could be Black, Northern Red, Pin...all good wood.
Not much to go on, but can anyone identify this tree? Those leaves are as big as my head. In south central PA if that helps any.
Correct you are. Nice catch Eric! When he said palm size i thought of basswood. Catalpa leaves are HUGE
Basswood crossed my mind too but all the basswood/Linden trees this time of year are loaded with those bright lime green winged seeds. I know there’s a southern catalpa vs northern, like we’re used to seeing. I wonder if his is a southern tree?