IMO, the isla del sol is fine but what you are having is far superior to it! Good choice! I think I'm gonna have a Cao La Traviata maduro........
I also had a tabak especial Saturday night. No pics though. Enjoyed an evening around a fire with several friends. Few cigars showed up.
Having one of these this evening while picking some Blackberries & plucking tomato worms off my tomatoes. The fat little prigs are damaging all my tomatoes.
Yes, all the Raspberries, Gooseberries & Blackberries I get are wild. I actually hauled 500 gallon of water to the blackberries last week before we got any rain. There are still some gooseberries out there but I haven’t had time to get them or check for late raspberries after the rain. We also have a whole lot of wineberries, they were brought over in the 50’s to help with erosion control. They look similar to raspberries but generally they are only good to eat about every 3 years, they are either too seedy or sour. On a good year they will be better than either raspberries or blackberries. We have a lot of wild plums but generally only the younger tress produce & the birds are usually all over those.
These showed up today: The Cuatro Cinco’s smell wonderful. And 20 each of these: I guess I am going to go buy another cooler…
Quite a selection here too: a few raspberries, mostly blackberries, some gooseberries & a few wine berries.
W Wish my fire would make it rain here. Oh well, enjoying a fire and thinking a cigar will be fine when my youngest calms down.