No not a shot gun wedding. Tractor implements quick hitch for 3 point attachments. Who's using one and what brand?
I'm using Pats. I chose them after watching a tractor mike vid on the subject on YouTube. I can't believe I waited so long to get them.
Homemade Pat's, the only time my logging winch comes off is shen I need my box blade to grade the lane. The Pat's type hitch makes it a lot easier to change implements
Harbor freight quick hitch here. 89 bucks plus a 22 dollar top hook adaptor was best money spent. I have the Pats also but it’s laying on the shelf. Never could get the distance between the arms to stay consistent when trying to connect. Always having to put the little bar in and remove it or it gets bent seems finicky. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
IMatch from Deere here as it came on both tractors from the dealer. Top link is adjustable, but implements take bushings. Had a Landpride hitch on my first tractor when all of my implements were Landpride.
TSC Cat2 Quick hitch for my JD 5420. The QH is the best pick if you setup all of your implements for the same width at the two lower link points. Saves having to try and man handle heavy implements like bush hog, disc, etc. If you don't want to reconfigure your implements (not difficult) then the Pat's is the way to go though you will still have to get off of the tractor to attach your top link. Cat 1 is the likely choice for most tractors. Edit: You might look for a quick hitch with a adjustable top hook, makes it a little easier to adapt to your implements. If you go quick hitch route you will likely want to put the bushings on your lower lift points on the implements.
LandPride, I have a cat 2 tractor and it works with most newer implements. Older tools made before quick hitchs existed may need some rework but they can be found at a cheaper price if you can do metal work. My old MF 2 bottom plow is not quick hitch compatible but I rarely use it. The dirt here isn't thick enough to support a 12" plow. I've made my own log skidding frame and carry all to work with my quick attach. Got a bucket of bolt on lift pins real cheap when a co-op went out of business.