Can't like that. I hate leaning so hard on the central air but I like to stay inside as much as possible when it's that oppressive.
Rather "cool" around these parts of late. Couple days in 70s., low 80s. Rained off and on yeaterday until about 6pm. Then was perfect out IMO. Last night was really nice and cool to eat on deck. Storm rolled through and got a soaking rain. Mid 80s next week, end of week high 80s. Then back to lower 80s - mid 70s. I'll take all I can of this weather because the oppressive, grass killing, nat loving, sweating while just sitting there, dog panting heat, is coming down the track.
I hate those hot temps. Only thing that is good for is growing corn. 54 was our low this morning. I don't think the stove will be needing a fire in it for a while now.
We did hit 80 yesterday. More rain late and more overnight. It's going to be a sticky day here no doubt. Overnight low was 58.
Rained a little bit already today as we creep higher to reach the 90 mark. Rained almost all of yesterday until the evening. 64 now.
After this weekend there are no temps below 80 expected. Hope to split wood both days. One last who-rah before the heat.
1.61" rain again last night and a high of 80 today. Heat is back starting tomorrow with 102 predicted for Monday. Plan to spend a couple hundred dollars to go to parents' place and take care of an apple tree they are tired of along with some oversized bushes/small trees/oversized shrubbery. Be good to see them again.
Yep, this stinks. I looked at my phone today to see current temps at the cabin, showed 69F 95 here. Told my son Imma pack my crap and move. This is stupid. Still 85 and humid here.
63 inside right now. Windy here today should keep the bugs down while I hit the splitter duties. Yesterday was wet, no splitting action.