I absolutely love seeing bull and fox snakes in my woodpiles. They do a bang up job on mice. Carry on my snake warriors!
Brad, I continue to be Amazed that you have been Married as long as you have been Mrs. BS(b) must be one Helluva Woman to have put up with you as long as she has. You better hold on to that one, you will have to look long and hard to find another that tolerant Doug.
I WAS married once for four years. Ms. buZZsaw and i have been together for over 15 years. If we were married we'd be divorced by now. Wife is a four letter word...her response...so is Brad. I continued to be amazed she stays with me!
I 100% agree. We have a big Bull snake that lives in and around our stacks. I used to shoot mice near the stacks with my pellet gun. Since the Bull snake moved in, no mice, whatsoever.
Man, fry them on both sides of the meat, place them in an oven pan, dump some gravy on'm and bake it. Slop it over a biscuit when done. Son , that's good eat'n right there
We have had the snake skins, a rat snake, hibernating wasps, wood and American cockroaches, Wolf and wood spiders in our stacks. I think I saw a Black Widow a time or 2, they will make you sick if bitten. I noticed a big bed of blue fibers/insulation on top of a drum of chunks I was loading to bring down the the house. When I set it on the back porch, Miz Carol leaned over beside it to pick up something, she felt something land on her back, thought I had threw a piece of bark at her...... then she saw this huge pack RAT run across the floor......she went Glad our preacher wasn't around.. Didn't know my sweet wife knew those words......
See these guys around my racks every summer. Come in take what they want to build the nest and leave.