We don't have a 9mm 1911 in our assortment. I had interest at one time, but honestly I thought there may/would be a bit more mag capacity of 9 vs 45. I guess the 9 would potentially be a bit smoother. We picked up and felt a Ronin the other week at a gun show. It felt very nice, even the wife commented (she picked it up first, she is a fan of the colt new agent and is looking for a sibling to bring home....). Well, after all that, I guess technically I don't really have anything of value for your question!
Other guns would probably be better on a technical level, I just like the 1911s. It's like driving a stick.
Understand. I like a 1911 too, just don't like the capacity. I know I know...it only takes one. But...
There is a reason why the British switched from the 38 to the 44 webly .... just sayin. prefer my 45 also, something about frontal transfer area.
LGS had a Ruger Compact American Pro Cerakote 45 that needed a home. It joins a Glock and a Colt Series 70. $540 plus tax. My brother from Washington state is visiting us starting Wednesday I will let him put the first rounds down the tube,, Ruger eliminates the slide safety on the Pro model but it still incorporates the trigger safety. And 3 mags came in the box!
What do you guys think of the brand fusion precision? I was looking at this: https://www.budsgunshop.com/product...p+3+6+1+black+oxide+black+steel+cocobolo+grip Selling points: -Reasonable price but not "cheap" -It is fairly hard to find a steel frame in a small 1911. The next best one I found was the colt defender elite but it was almost double the price. - I don't care about name brands but I care a lot about quality. Is there anything I should be aware of with fusion? Is a colt defender elite 2x as good as this? This is really just a range toy.
Can't recall that I've heard of fusion precision before. But that is a good looking little 45. Buy it and ship to VA, and I'll try it out for you and give you a report...
Thank you!! This group is always so giving and generous. Go ahead and shoot your SSN and address my way, I will need it for the paperwork....
Like any brand, you're going to get those who like it and those who don't. I had never even heard of the company so did some brief research and on the 1911 forum, the company doesn't get very high marks (as a whole). Price point seems to be the most positive aspect but lots of comments about shoddy construction and ill-fitting parts. Granted I've purchased Colts that had issues as well, however I know they will stand behind their products. Forum consensus on Fusion Firearms? | 1911 Firearm Addicts (1911addicts.com)
Yeah, that is what I was looking for. I did some looking over there for the model but missed this thread, thanks for sending.
Called up my buddy at the range and told him I was looking for a GP100. He said "I have match champion .357 that I'll make ya a deal on". Look what followed me home last night
Nice! I love my GP 100, 6" Stainless. With homecast 158gr and reloading I could shoot at a lower coast than .22lr during the panics over the years. It was the first handgun I bought when I turned 21. Wolff springs helped my trigger, along with a lot of shooting. It's much smoother than when it was new.
I might add I own a lot of firearms but rarely post any pictures of them. I imagine on this site it's pretty safe but on the firearm forums I'm on I never do. You never know who is looking.
I've always loved the feel of them and probably held one every time I had the opportunity. The match champion has a bit of trigger work from the factory so she's a pretty smooth shooter right out of the box . Haha I wish I was cookin. Was headed out the door to work. Thanks! She's brand new. Yea i don't even mention what I have on any other forums or social media. I feel pretty safe on here but obviously big brother is always watching somewhere.
Especially firearm related forums. Believe me, they are, constantly. The government is all about compiling lists for later use. I'm on a couple S&W forums as well as a Savage Forum and I've never alluded to what I own let along posted a picture of them. I keep pictures of all of them for insurance purposes anyway. The other thing I never do is reply to any post where the poster wants loading data for a particular caliber and/or bullet. My canned answer is go buy a reloading manual and look there. The way I load and what I load to may be a bomb for someone else so I don't feel I want that responsibility. Spend the bucks and buy a reloading manual and go from there.