Very nice buck! Some people are just scum, with no regard for anything but themselves. They were probably drunk at the time too.
Well, here is 5 of my nicer ones. I don’t score em just eat em. Only one was bow 4 were rifle. I do the taxidermy work myself can you tell? Wife calls this the wall of shame. These were mostly bow and the freezer was empty when they were harvested.
Nice bucks ole ! I like the live edge slabs for hanging them trapper brad for a second there I thought he had a pitchfork at the end of his right beam. The shadow is deceiving lol. Great buck though!
Not mine but it is kind of a community legend mount and is the source of my thread Long Ago Lost Trophy and his back story is on there.
My best with a conventional compound bow-144 2/8 at 23 yds. Aged by DNR biologists at 3.5 yo from jawbone/teeth extraction
Hard to believe it was found, but glad he was so he could be appreciated! Glad game and fish allowed a carcass tag to the guy that came upon this brute laying there instead of forcing him to lay and rot.
Here are a few taken out of deer camp. These are some of the racks that adorn the entry room to our cabin. There is a bonus moose horn in the top picture that I found while grouse hunting a year after I found the other one in the same general area.
Here's mine. First buck with a bow over 20 years ago. Got in the stand late, sun was coming up. Had a climbing tree stand at the time. Went up into the tree and forgot to tie bow on. Went back down to tie it on and thought about going home. Said what the heck and went back up with the climber. He came walking behind me right as I pulled the bow up and it was still tied on, had my release in my pocket. I was hunting behind my neighbors when I lived at home. Best part was waking my dad up and hurrying him up into the woods. He got buck fever just looking at it. Not best pic.
I've given most of my horns away but got a couple pics sent to me for here. #1 is my first buck that I ever shot. Gave it to my handicapped brother and the ladies that take care of him decorate it up for each holiday and he gets a kick out of it. #2 is the second buck I shot and the only rack in my possession. Horsed around and made a spear out of a broken file, paracord, and an ash branch then stuck it in there out in the garage. #3 & 4 are my biggest 2 and gave them to one of the boys. #3 is the best spread 21 3/4" inside and #4 is the most mass and scored 138 1/2.
Odd angle makes one side seem lopsided bigger, but this is another rack I gave to one of the kids. I built the plaque from old barnwood scraps I had laying around.
Best one and it was a mule deer I bagged in Colorado back in 2013. I was up on the cliff in the background, and it was roughly a 125-yard shot. There were five deer in a line (2 bucks and 3 doe) and they were moving so I was pleased with the shot (considering I was taking a leak with the rifle leaning against a tree when I spotted them moving through the field). Browning X-Bolt 30.06 with a Leupold VX-II 2-7x33mm.
I've never hunted trophies, and prefer a younger doe over a rutting buck. Here is my biggest doe that I can think of. Probably should have let her go.